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Description des améliorations :

Module « scipy.special »

Fonction seterr - module scipy.special

Signature de la fonction seterr



Set how special-function errors are handled.

    all : {'ignore', 'warn' 'raise'}, optional
        Set treatment for all type of special-function errors at
        once. The options are:

        - 'ignore' Take no action when the error occurs
        - 'warn' Print a `SpecialFunctionWarning` when the error
          occurs (via the Python `warnings` module)
        - 'raise' Raise a `SpecialFunctionError` when the error

        The default is to not change the current behavior. If
        behaviors for additional categories of special-function errors
        are specified, then ``all`` is applied first, followed by the
        additional categories.
    singular : {'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional
        Treatment for singularities.
    underflow : {'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional
        Treatment for underflow.
    overflow : {'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional
        Treatment for overflow.
    slow : {'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional
        Treatment for slow convergence.
    loss : {'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional
        Treatment for loss of accuracy.
    no_result : {'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional
        Treatment for failing to find a result.
    domain : {'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional
        Treatment for an invalid argument to a function.
    arg : {'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional
        Treatment for an invalid parameter to a function.
    other : {'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional
        Treatment for an unknown error.

    olderr : dict
        Dictionary containing the old settings.

    See Also
    geterr : get the current way of handling special-function errors
    errstate : context manager for special-function error handling
    numpy.seterr : similar numpy function for floating-point errors

    >>> import scipy.special as sc
    >>> from pytest import raises
    >>> sc.gammaln(0)
    >>> olderr = sc.seterr(singular='raise')
    >>> with raises(sc.SpecialFunctionError):
    ...     sc.gammaln(0)
    >>> _ = sc.seterr(**olderr)

    We can also raise for every category except one.

    >>> olderr = sc.seterr(all='raise', singular='ignore')
    >>> sc.gammaln(0)
    >>> with raises(sc.SpecialFunctionError):
    ...     sc.spence(-1)
    >>> _ = sc.seterr(**olderr)