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Module « scipy.special »

Fonction comb - module scipy.special

Signature de la fonction comb

def comb(N, k, exact=False, repetition=False) 



The number of combinations of N things taken k at a time.

    This is often expressed as "N choose k".

    N : int, ndarray
        Number of things.
    k : int, ndarray
        Number of elements taken.
    exact : bool, optional
        If `exact` is False, then floating point precision is used, otherwise
        exact long integer is computed.
    repetition : bool, optional
        If `repetition` is True, then the number of combinations with
        repetition is computed.

    val : int, float, ndarray
        The total number of combinations.

    See Also
    binom : Binomial coefficient ufunc

    - Array arguments accepted only for exact=False case.
    - If N < 0, or k < 0, then 0 is returned.
    - If k > N and repetition=False, then 0 is returned.

    >>> from scipy.special import comb
    >>> k = np.array([3, 4])
    >>> n = np.array([10, 10])
    >>> comb(n, k, exact=False)
    array([ 120.,  210.])
    >>> comb(10, 3, exact=True)
    >>> comb(10, 3, exact=True, repetition=True)