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Module « scipy.special »

Fonction diric - module scipy.special

Signature de la fonction diric

def diric(x, n) 



Periodic sinc function, also called the Dirichlet function.

    The Dirichlet function is defined as::

        diric(x, n) = sin(x * n/2) / (n * sin(x / 2)),

    where `n` is a positive integer.

    x : array_like
        Input data
    n : int
        Integer defining the periodicity.

    diric : ndarray

    >>> from scipy import special
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    >>> x = np.linspace(-8*np.pi, 8*np.pi, num=201)
    >>> plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8));
    >>> for idx, n in enumerate([2, 3, 4, 9]):
    ...     plt.subplot(2, 2, idx+1)
    ...     plt.plot(x, special.diric(x, n))
    ...     plt.title('diric, n={}'.format(n))

    The following example demonstrates that `diric` gives the magnitudes
    (modulo the sign and scaling) of the Fourier coefficients of a
    rectangular pulse.

    Suppress output of values that are effectively 0:

    >>> np.set_printoptions(suppress=True)

    Create a signal `x` of length `m` with `k` ones:

    >>> m = 8
    >>> k = 3
    >>> x = np.zeros(m)
    >>> x[:k] = 1

    Use the FFT to compute the Fourier transform of `x`, and
    inspect the magnitudes of the coefficients:

    >>> np.abs(np.fft.fft(x))
    array([ 3.        ,  2.41421356,  1.        ,  0.41421356,  1.        ,
            0.41421356,  1.        ,  2.41421356])

    Now find the same values (up to sign) using `diric`. We multiply
    by `k` to account for the different scaling conventions of
    `numpy.fft.fft` and `diric`:

    >>> theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, m, endpoint=False)
    >>> k * special.diric(theta, k)
    array([ 3.        ,  2.41421356,  1.        , -0.41421356, -1.        ,
           -0.41421356,  1.        ,  2.41421356])