Module « scipy.stats »
Signature de la fonction ppcc_max
def ppcc_max(x, brack=(0.0, 1.0), dist='tukeylambda')
Calculate the shape parameter that maximizes the PPCC.
The probability plot correlation coefficient (PPCC) plot can be used
to determine the optimal shape parameter for a one-parameter family
of distributions. ``ppcc_max`` returns the shape parameter that would
maximize the probability plot correlation coefficient for the given
data to a one-parameter family of distributions.
x : array_like
Input array.
brack : tuple, optional
Triple (a,b,c) where (a<b<c). If bracket consists of two numbers (a, c)
then they are assumed to be a starting interval for a downhill bracket
search (see `scipy.optimize.brent`).
dist : str or stats.distributions instance, optional
Distribution or distribution function name. Objects that look enough
like a stats.distributions instance (i.e. they have a ``ppf`` method)
are also accepted. The default is ``'tukeylambda'``.
shape_value : float
The shape parameter at which the probability plot correlation
coefficient reaches its max value.
See Also
ppcc_plot, probplot, boxcox
The brack keyword serves as a starting point which is useful in corner
cases. One can use a plot to obtain a rough visual estimate of the location
for the maximum to start the search near it.
.. [1] J.J. Filliben, "The Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient Test
for Normality", Technometrics, Vol. 17, pp. 111-117, 1975.
.. [2] Engineering Statistics Handbook, NIST/SEMATEC,
First we generate some random data from a Weibull distribution
with shape parameter 2.5:
>>> from scipy import stats
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
>>> c = 2.5
>>> x = stats.weibull_min.rvs(c, scale=4, size=2000, random_state=rng)
Generate the PPCC plot for this data with the Weibull distribution.
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
>>> res = stats.ppcc_plot(x, c/2, 2*c, dist='weibull_min', plot=ax)
We calculate the value where the shape should reach its maximum and a
red line is drawn there. The line should coincide with the highest
point in the PPCC graph.
>>> cmax = stats.ppcc_max(x, brack=(c/2, 2*c), dist='weibull_min')
>>> ax.axvline(cmax, color='r')
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