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Module « scipy.stats »

Fonction dirichlet - module scipy.stats

Signature de la fonction dirichlet

def dirichlet(alpha, seed=None) 



A Dirichlet random variable.

    The `alpha` keyword specifies the concentration parameters of the

    .. versionadded:: 0.15.0

    ``pdf(x, alpha)``
        Probability density function.
    ``logpdf(x, alpha)``
        Log of the probability density function.
    ``rvs(alpha, size=1, random_state=None)``
        Draw random samples from a Dirichlet distribution.
        The mean of the Dirichlet distribution
        The variance of the Dirichlet distribution
        Compute the differential entropy of the Dirichlet distribution.

    x : array_like
        Quantiles, with the last axis of `x` denoting the components.
    alpha : array_like
        The concentration parameters. The number of entries determines the
        dimensionality of the distribution.
    random_state : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
                    `numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
        If `seed` is None (or `np.random`), the `numpy.random.RandomState`
        singleton is used.
        If `seed` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
        seeded with `seed`.
        If `seed` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState`` instance then
        that instance is used.

    Alternatively, the object may be called (as a function) to fix
    concentration parameters, returning a "frozen" Dirichlet
    random variable:

    rv = dirichlet(alpha)
        - Frozen object with the same methods but holding the given
          concentration parameters fixed.

    Each :math:`\alpha` entry must be positive. The distribution has only
    support on the simplex defined by

    .. math::
        \sum_{i=1}^{K} x_i = 1

    where 0 < x_i < 1.

    If the quantiles don't lie within the simplex, a ValueError is raised.

    The probability density function for `dirichlet` is

    .. math::

        f(x) = \frac{1}{\mathrm{B}(\boldsymbol\alpha)} \prod_{i=1}^K x_i^{\alpha_i - 1}


    .. math::

        \mathrm{B}(\boldsymbol\alpha) = \frac{\prod_{i=1}^K \Gamma(\alpha_i)}
                                     {\Gamma\bigl(\sum_{i=1}^K \alpha_i\bigr)}

    and :math:`\boldsymbol\alpha=(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_K)`, the
    concentration parameters and :math:`K` is the dimension of the space
    where :math:`x` takes values.

    Note that the dirichlet interface is somewhat inconsistent.
    The array returned by the rvs function is transposed
    with respect to the format expected by the pdf and logpdf.

    >>> from scipy.stats import dirichlet

    Generate a dirichlet random variable

    >>> quantiles = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.6])  # specify quantiles
    >>> alpha = np.array([0.4, 5, 15])  # specify concentration parameters
    >>> dirichlet.pdf(quantiles, alpha)

    The same PDF but following a log scale

    >>> dirichlet.logpdf(quantiles, alpha)

    Once we specify the dirichlet distribution
    we can then calculate quantities of interest

    >>> dirichlet.mean(alpha)  # get the mean of the distribution
    array([0.01960784, 0.24509804, 0.73529412])
    >>> dirichlet.var(alpha) # get variance
    array([0.00089829, 0.00864603, 0.00909517])
    >>> dirichlet.entropy(alpha)  # calculate the differential entropy

    We can also return random samples from the distribution

    >>> dirichlet.rvs(alpha, size=1, random_state=1)
    array([[0.00766178, 0.24670518, 0.74563305]])
    >>> dirichlet.rvs(alpha, size=2, random_state=2)
    array([[0.01639427, 0.1292273 , 0.85437844],
           [0.00156917, 0.19033695, 0.80809388]])