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Module « numpy.matlib »

Classe « generic »

Informations générales




class generic(builtins.object):

Description [extrait de generic.__doc__]

Base class for numpy scalar types.

    Class from which most (all?) numpy scalar types are derived.  For
    consistency, exposes the same API as `ndarray`, despite many
    consequent attributes being either "get-only," or completely irrelevant.
    This is the class from which it is strongly suggested users should derive
    custom scalar types.

Liste des attributs statiques

Nom de l'attribut Valeur
base<attribute 'base' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
data<attribute 'data' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
dtype<attribute 'dtype' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
flags<attribute 'flags' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
flat<attribute 'flat' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
imag<attribute 'imag' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
itemsize<attribute 'itemsize' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
nbytes<attribute 'nbytes' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
ndim<attribute 'ndim' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
real<attribute 'real' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
shape<attribute 'shape' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
size<attribute 'size' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
strides<attribute 'strides' of 'numpy.generic' objects>
T<attribute 'T' of 'numpy.generic' objects>

Liste des opérateurs

Signature de l'opérateur Description
__add__(self, value) Return self+value. [extrait de __add__.__doc__]
__and__(self, value) Return self&value. [extrait de __and__.__doc__]
__eq__(self, value) Return self==value. [extrait de __eq__.__doc__]
__floordiv__(self, value) Return self//value. [extrait de __floordiv__.__doc__]
__ge__(self, value) Return self>=value. [extrait de __ge__.__doc__]
__getitem__(self, key) Return self[key]. [extrait de __getitem__.__doc__]
__gt__(self, value) Return self>value. [extrait de __gt__.__doc__]
__invert__(self) ~self [extrait de __invert__.__doc__]
__le__(self, value) Return self<=value. [extrait de __le__.__doc__]
__lshift__(self, value) Return self<<value. [extrait de __lshift__.__doc__]
__lt__(self, value) Return self<value. [extrait de __lt__.__doc__]
__mod__(self, value) Return self%value. [extrait de __mod__.__doc__]
__mul__(self, value) Return self*value. [extrait de __mul__.__doc__]
__ne__(self, value) Return self!=value. [extrait de __ne__.__doc__]
__neg__(self) -self [extrait de __neg__.__doc__]
__or__(self, value) Return self|value. [extrait de __or__.__doc__]
__pos__(self) +self [extrait de __pos__.__doc__]
__pow__(self, value, mod=None) Return pow(self, value, mod). [extrait de __pow__.__doc__]
__radd__(self, value) Return value+self. [extrait de __radd__.__doc__]
__rand__(self, value) Return value&self. [extrait de __rand__.__doc__]
__rfloordiv__(self, value) Return value//self. [extrait de __rfloordiv__.__doc__]
__rlshift__(self, value) Return value<<self. [extrait de __rlshift__.__doc__]
__rmod__(self, value) Return value%self. [extrait de __rmod__.__doc__]
__rmul__(self, value) Return value*self. [extrait de __rmul__.__doc__]
__ror__(self, value) Return value|self. [extrait de __ror__.__doc__]
__rpow__(self, value, mod=None) Return pow(value, self, mod). [extrait de __rpow__.__doc__]
__rrshift__(self, value) Return value>>self. [extrait de __rrshift__.__doc__]
__rshift__(self, value) Return self>>value. [extrait de __rshift__.__doc__]
__rsub__(self, value) Return value-self. [extrait de __rsub__.__doc__]
__rtruediv__(self, value) Return value/self. [extrait de __rtruediv__.__doc__]
__rxor__(self, value) Return value^self. [extrait de __rxor__.__doc__]
__sub__(self, value) Return self-value. [extrait de __sub__.__doc__]
__truediv__(self, value) Return self/value. [extrait de __truediv__.__doc__]
__xor__(self, value) Return self^value. [extrait de __xor__.__doc__]

Liste des méthodes

Toutes les méthodes Méthodes d'instance Méthodes statiques Méthodes dépréciées
Signature de la méthodeDescription
__abs__(self) abs(self) [extrait de __abs__.__doc__]
__array__ sc.__array__(dtype) return 0-dim array from scalar with specified dtype [extrait de __array__.__doc__]
__array_wrap__ sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array [extrait de __array_wrap__.__doc__]
__bool__(self) self != 0 [extrait de __bool__.__doc__]
__divmod__(self, value) Return divmod(self, value). [extrait de __divmod__.__doc__]
__float__(self) float(self) [extrait de __float__.__doc__]
__format__ NumPy array scalar formatter [extrait de __format__.__doc__]
__int__(self) int(self) [extrait de __int__.__doc__]
__rdivmod__(self, value) Return divmod(value, self). [extrait de __rdivmod__.__doc__]
all Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de all.__doc__]
any Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de any.__doc__]
argmax Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de argmax.__doc__]
argmin Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de argmin.__doc__]
argsort Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de argsort.__doc__]
astype Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de astype.__doc__]
byteswap Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de byteswap.__doc__]
choose Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de choose.__doc__]
clip Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de clip.__doc__]
compress Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de compress.__doc__]
conjugate Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de conjugate.__doc__]
copy Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de copy.__doc__]
cumprod Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de cumprod.__doc__]
cumsum Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de cumsum.__doc__]
diagonal Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de diagonal.__doc__]
dump Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de dump.__doc__]
dumps Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de dumps.__doc__]
fill Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de fill.__doc__]
flatten Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de flatten.__doc__]
getfield Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de getfield.__doc__]
item Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de item.__doc__]
itemset Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de itemset.__doc__]
max Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de max.__doc__]
mean Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de mean.__doc__]
min Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de min.__doc__]
newbyteorder newbyteorder(new_order='S', /) [extrait de newbyteorder.__doc__]
nonzero Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de nonzero.__doc__]
prod Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de prod.__doc__]
ptp Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de ptp.__doc__]
put Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de put.__doc__]
ravel Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de ravel.__doc__]
repeat Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de repeat.__doc__]
reshape Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de reshape.__doc__]
resize Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de resize.__doc__]
round Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de round.__doc__]
searchsorted Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de searchsorted.__doc__]
setfield Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de setfield.__doc__]
setflags Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de setflags.__doc__]
sort Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de sort.__doc__]
squeeze Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de squeeze.__doc__]
std Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de std.__doc__]
sum Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de sum.__doc__]
swapaxes Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de swapaxes.__doc__]
take Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de take.__doc__]
tofile Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de tofile.__doc__]
tolist Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de tolist.__doc__]
tostring Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de tostring.__doc__]
trace Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de trace.__doc__]
transpose Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de transpose.__doc__]
var Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de var.__doc__]
view Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de view.__doc__]

Méthodes héritées de la classe object

__delattr__, __dir__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init_subclass__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__, __subclasshook__