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Module « numpy.matlib »

Fonction correlate - module numpy.matlib

Signature de la fonction correlate

def correlate(a, v, mode='valid') 



    Cross-correlation of two 1-dimensional sequences.

    This function computes the correlation as generally defined in signal
    processing texts::

        c_{av}[k] = sum_n a[n+k] * conj(v[n])

    with a and v sequences being zero-padded where necessary and conj being
    the conjugate.

    a, v : array_like
        Input sequences.
    mode : {'valid', 'same', 'full'}, optional
        Refer to the `convolve` docstring.  Note that the default
        is 'valid', unlike `convolve`, which uses 'full'.
    old_behavior : bool
        `old_behavior` was removed in NumPy 1.10. If you need the old
        behavior, use `multiarray.correlate`.

    out : ndarray
        Discrete cross-correlation of `a` and `v`.

    See Also
    convolve : Discrete, linear convolution of two one-dimensional sequences.
    multiarray.correlate : Old, no conjugate, version of correlate.

    The definition of correlation above is not unique and sometimes correlation
    may be defined differently. Another common definition is::

        c'_{av}[k] = sum_n a[n] conj(v[n+k])

    which is related to ``c_{av}[k]`` by ``c'_{av}[k] = c_{av}[-k]``.

    >>> np.correlate([1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 0.5])
    >>> np.correlate([1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 0.5], "same")
    array([2. ,  3.5,  3. ])
    >>> np.correlate([1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 0.5], "full")
    array([0.5,  2. ,  3.5,  3. ,  0. ])

    Using complex sequences:

    >>> np.correlate([1+1j, 2, 3-1j], [0, 1, 0.5j], 'full')
    array([ 0.5-0.5j,  1.0+0.j ,  1.5-1.5j,  3.0-1.j ,  0.0+0.j ])

    Note that you get the time reversed, complex conjugated result
    when the two input sequences change places, i.e.,
    ``c_{va}[k] = c^{*}_{av}[-k]``:

    >>> np.correlate([0, 1, 0.5j], [1+1j, 2, 3-1j], 'full')
    array([ 0.0+0.j ,  3.0+1.j ,  1.5+1.5j,  1.0+0.j ,  0.5+0.5j])