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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Module « numpy.matlib »

Fonction seterrcall - module numpy.matlib

Signature de la fonction seterrcall

def seterrcall(func) 



    Set the floating-point error callback function or log object.

    There are two ways to capture floating-point error messages.  The first
    is to set the error-handler to 'call', using `seterr`.  Then, set
    the function to call using this function.

    The second is to set the error-handler to 'log', using `seterr`.
    Floating-point errors then trigger a call to the 'write' method of
    the provided object.

    func : callable f(err, flag) or object with write method
        Function to call upon floating-point errors ('call'-mode) or
        object whose 'write' method is used to log such message ('log'-mode).

        The call function takes two arguments. The first is a string describing
        the type of error (such as "divide by zero", "overflow", "underflow",
        or "invalid value"), and the second is the status flag.  The flag is a
        byte, whose four least-significant bits indicate the type of error, one
        of "divide", "over", "under", "invalid"::

          [0 0 0 0 divide over under invalid]

        In other words, ``flags = divide + 2*over + 4*under + 8*invalid``.

        If an object is provided, its write method should take one argument,
        a string.

    h : callable, log instance or None
        The old error handler.

    See Also
    seterr, geterr, geterrcall

    Callback upon error:

    >>> def err_handler(type, flag):
    ...     print("Floating point error (%s), with flag %s" % (type, flag))

    >>> saved_handler = np.seterrcall(err_handler)
    >>> save_err = np.seterr(all='call')
    >>> from collections import OrderedDict

    >>> np.array([1, 2, 3]) / 0.0
    Floating point error (divide by zero), with flag 1
    array([inf, inf, inf])

    >>> np.seterrcall(saved_handler)
    <function err_handler at 0x...>
    >>> OrderedDict(sorted(np.seterr(**save_err).items()))
    OrderedDict([('divide', 'call'), ('invalid', 'call'), ('over', 'call'), ('under', 'call')])

    Log error message:

    >>> class Log:
    ...     def write(self, msg):
    ...         print("LOG: %s" % msg)

    >>> log = Log()
    >>> saved_handler = np.seterrcall(log)
    >>> save_err = np.seterr(all='log')

    >>> np.array([1, 2, 3]) / 0.0
    LOG: Warning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
    array([inf, inf, inf])

    >>> np.seterrcall(saved_handler)
    <numpy.core.numeric.Log object at 0x...>
    >>> OrderedDict(sorted(np.seterr(**save_err).items()))
    OrderedDict([('divide', 'log'), ('invalid', 'log'), ('over', 'log'), ('under', 'log')])