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Description des améliorations :

Module « numpy.matlib »

Fonction moveaxis - module numpy.matlib

Signature de la fonction moveaxis

def moveaxis(a, source, destination) 



    Move axes of an array to new positions.

    Other axes remain in their original order.

    .. versionadded:: 1.11.0

    a : np.ndarray
        The array whose axes should be reordered.
    source : int or sequence of int
        Original positions of the axes to move. These must be unique.
    destination : int or sequence of int
        Destination positions for each of the original axes. These must also be

    result : np.ndarray
        Array with moved axes. This array is a view of the input array.

    See Also
    transpose: Permute the dimensions of an array.
    swapaxes: Interchange two axes of an array.


    >>> x = np.zeros((3, 4, 5))
    >>> np.moveaxis(x, 0, -1).shape
    (4, 5, 3)
    >>> np.moveaxis(x, -1, 0).shape
    (5, 3, 4)

    These all achieve the same result:

    >>> np.transpose(x).shape
    (5, 4, 3)
    >>> np.swapaxes(x, 0, -1).shape
    (5, 4, 3)
    >>> np.moveaxis(x, [0, 1], [-1, -2]).shape
    (5, 4, 3)
    >>> np.moveaxis(x, [0, 1, 2], [-1, -2, -3]).shape
    (5, 4, 3)