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Description des améliorations :

Module « numpy.matlib »

Fonction savez_compressed - module numpy.matlib

Signature de la fonction savez_compressed

def savez_compressed(file, *args, **kwds) 



    Save several arrays into a single file in compressed ``.npz`` format.

    If keyword arguments are given, then filenames are taken from the keywords.
    If arguments are passed in with no keywords, then stored filenames are
    arr_0, arr_1, etc.

    file : str or file
        Either the filename (string) or an open file (file-like object)
        where the data will be saved. If file is a string or a Path, the
        ``.npz`` extension will be appended to the filename if it is not
        already there.
    args : Arguments, optional
        Arrays to save to the file. Since it is not possible for Python to
        know the names of the arrays outside `savez`, the arrays will be saved
        with names "arr_0", "arr_1", and so on. These arguments can be any
    kwds : Keyword arguments, optional
        Arrays to save to the file. Arrays will be saved in the file with the
        keyword names.


    See Also
    -------- : Save a single array to a binary file in NumPy format.
    numpy.savetxt : Save an array to a file as plain text.
    numpy.savez : Save several arrays into an uncompressed ``.npz`` file format
    numpy.load : Load the files created by savez_compressed.

    The ``.npz`` file format is a zipped archive of files named after the
    variables they contain.  The archive is compressed with
    ``zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED`` and each file in the archive contains one variable
    in ``.npy`` format. For a description of the ``.npy`` format, see

    When opening the saved ``.npz`` file with `load` a `NpzFile` object is
    returned. This is a dictionary-like object which can be queried for
    its list of arrays (with the ``.files`` attribute), and for the arrays

    >>> test_array = np.random.rand(3, 2)
    >>> test_vector = np.random.rand(4)
    >>> np.savez_compressed('/tmp/123', a=test_array, b=test_vector)
    >>> loaded = np.load('/tmp/123.npz')
    >>> print(np.array_equal(test_array, loaded['a']))
    >>> print(np.array_equal(test_vector, loaded['b']))