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promote_types(type1, type2)
Returns the data type with the smallest size and smallest scalar
kind to which both ``type1`` and ``type2`` may be safely cast.
The returned data type is always in native byte order.
This function is symmetric, but rarely associative.
type1 : dtype or dtype specifier
First data type.
type2 : dtype or dtype specifier
Second data type.
out : dtype
The promoted data type.
.. versionadded:: 1.6.0
Starting in NumPy 1.9, promote_types function now returns a valid string
length when given an integer or float dtype as one argument and a string
dtype as another argument. Previously it always returned the input string
dtype, even if it wasn't long enough to store the max integer/float value
converted to a string.
See Also
result_type, dtype, can_cast
>>> np.promote_types('f4', 'f8')
>>> np.promote_types('i8', 'f4')
>>> np.promote_types('>i8', '<c8')
>>> np.promote_types('i4', 'S8')
An example of a non-associative case:
>>> p = np.promote_types
>>> p('S', p('i1', 'u1'))
>>> p(p('S', 'i1'), 'u1')
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