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Module « numpy.matlib »
Signature de la fonction polyval
def polyval(p, x)
Evaluate a polynomial at specific values.
.. note::
This forms part of the old polynomial API. Since version 1.4, the
new polynomial API defined in `numpy.polynomial` is preferred.
A summary of the differences can be found in the
:doc:`transition guide </reference/routines.polynomials>`.
If `p` is of length N, this function returns the value:
``p[0]*x**(N-1) + p[1]*x**(N-2) + ... + p[N-2]*x + p[N-1]``
If `x` is a sequence, then `p(x)` is returned for each element of `x`.
If `x` is another polynomial then the composite polynomial `p(x(t))`
is returned.
p : array_like or poly1d object
1D array of polynomial coefficients (including coefficients equal
to zero) from highest degree to the constant term, or an
instance of poly1d.
x : array_like or poly1d object
A number, an array of numbers, or an instance of poly1d, at
which to evaluate `p`.
values : ndarray or poly1d
If `x` is a poly1d instance, the result is the composition of the two
polynomials, i.e., `x` is "substituted" in `p` and the simplified
result is returned. In addition, the type of `x` - array_like or
poly1d - governs the type of the output: `x` array_like => `values`
array_like, `x` a poly1d object => `values` is also.
See Also
poly1d: A polynomial class.
Horner's scheme [1]_ is used to evaluate the polynomial. Even so,
for polynomials of high degree the values may be inaccurate due to
rounding errors. Use carefully.
If `x` is a subtype of `ndarray` the return value will be of the same type.
.. [1] I. N. Bronshtein, K. A. Semendyayev, and K. A. Hirsch (Eng.
trans. Ed.), *Handbook of Mathematics*, New York, Van Nostrand
Reinhold Co., 1985, pg. 720.
>>> np.polyval([3,0,1], 5) # 3 * 5**2 + 0 * 5**1 + 1
>>> np.polyval([3,0,1], np.poly1d(5))
>>> np.polyval(np.poly1d([3,0,1]), 5)
>>> np.polyval(np.poly1d([3,0,1]), np.poly1d(5))
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