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Module « numpy.matlib »
Signature de la fonction dot
dot(a, b, out=None)
Dot product of two arrays. Specifically,
- If both `a` and `b` are 1-D arrays, it is inner product of vectors
(without complex conjugation).
- If both `a` and `b` are 2-D arrays, it is matrix multiplication,
but using :func:`matmul` or ``a @ b`` is preferred.
- If either `a` or `b` is 0-D (scalar), it is equivalent to :func:`multiply`
and using ``numpy.multiply(a, b)`` or ``a * b`` is preferred.
- If `a` is an N-D array and `b` is a 1-D array, it is a sum product over
the last axis of `a` and `b`.
- If `a` is an N-D array and `b` is an M-D array (where ``M>=2``), it is a
sum product over the last axis of `a` and the second-to-last axis of `b`::
dot(a, b)[i,j,k,m] = sum(a[i,j,:] * b[k,:,m])
a : array_like
First argument.
b : array_like
Second argument.
out : ndarray, optional
Output argument. This must have the exact kind that would be returned
if it was not used. In particular, it must have the right type, must be
C-contiguous, and its dtype must be the dtype that would be returned
for `dot(a,b)`. This is a performance feature. Therefore, if these
conditions are not met, an exception is raised, instead of attempting
to be flexible.
output : ndarray
Returns the dot product of `a` and `b`. If `a` and `b` are both
scalars or both 1-D arrays then a scalar is returned; otherwise
an array is returned.
If `out` is given, then it is returned.
If the last dimension of `a` is not the same size as
the second-to-last dimension of `b`.
See Also
vdot : Complex-conjugating dot product.
tensordot : Sum products over arbitrary axes.
einsum : Einstein summation convention.
matmul : '@' operator as method with out parameter.
linalg.multi_dot : Chained dot product.
>>> np.dot(3, 4)
Neither argument is complex-conjugated:
>>> np.dot([2j, 3j], [2j, 3j])
For 2-D arrays it is the matrix product:
>>> a = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
>>> b = [[4, 1], [2, 2]]
>>> np.dot(a, b)
array([[4, 1],
[2, 2]])
>>> a = np.arange(3*4*5*6).reshape((3,4,5,6))
>>> b = np.arange(3*4*5*6)[::-1].reshape((5,4,6,3))
>>> np.dot(a, b)[2,3,2,1,2,2]
>>> sum(a[2,3,2,:] * b[1,2,:,2])
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