__abs__(self) |
abs(self) [extrait de __abs__.__doc__] |
__array__ |
sc.__array__(dtype) return 0-dim array from scalar with specified dtype [extrait de __array__.__doc__] |
__array_wrap__ |
sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array [extrait de __array_wrap__.__doc__] |
__bool__(self) |
self != 0 [extrait de __bool__.__doc__] |
__copy__ |
__deepcopy__ |
__divmod__(self, value) |
Return divmod(self, value). [extrait de __divmod__.__doc__] |
__float__(self) |
float(self) [extrait de __float__.__doc__] |
__format__ |
NumPy array scalar formatter [extrait de __format__.__doc__] |
__int__(self) |
int(self) [extrait de __int__.__doc__] |
__rdivmod__(self, value) |
Return divmod(value, self). [extrait de __rdivmod__.__doc__] |
__reduce__ |
__setstate__ |
__sizeof__ |
all |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de all.__doc__] |
any |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de any.__doc__] |
argmax |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de argmax.__doc__] |
argmin |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de argmin.__doc__] |
argsort |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de argsort.__doc__] |
astype |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de astype.__doc__] |
byteswap |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de byteswap.__doc__] |
choose |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de choose.__doc__] |
clip |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de clip.__doc__] |
compress |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de compress.__doc__] |
conj |
conjugate |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de conjugate.__doc__] |
copy |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de copy.__doc__] |
cumprod |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de cumprod.__doc__] |
cumsum |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de cumsum.__doc__] |
diagonal |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de diagonal.__doc__] |
dump |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de dump.__doc__] |
dumps |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de dumps.__doc__] |
fill |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de fill.__doc__] |
flatten |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de flatten.__doc__] |
getfield |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de getfield.__doc__] |
item |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de item.__doc__] |
itemset |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de itemset.__doc__] |
max |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de max.__doc__] |
mean |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de mean.__doc__] |
min |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de min.__doc__] |
newbyteorder |
newbyteorder(new_order='S', /) [extrait de newbyteorder.__doc__] |
nonzero |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de nonzero.__doc__] |
prod |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de prod.__doc__] |
ptp |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de ptp.__doc__] |
put |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de put.__doc__] |
ravel |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de ravel.__doc__] |
repeat |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de repeat.__doc__] |
reshape |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de reshape.__doc__] |
resize |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de resize.__doc__] |
round |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de round.__doc__] |
searchsorted |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de searchsorted.__doc__] |
setfield |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de setfield.__doc__] |
setflags |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de setflags.__doc__] |
sort |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de sort.__doc__] |
squeeze |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de squeeze.__doc__] |
std |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de std.__doc__] |
sum |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de sum.__doc__] |
swapaxes |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de swapaxes.__doc__] |
take |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de take.__doc__] |
tobytes |
tofile |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de tofile.__doc__] |
tolist |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de tolist.__doc__] |
tostring |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de tostring.__doc__] |
trace |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de trace.__doc__] |
transpose |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de transpose.__doc__] |
var |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de var.__doc__] |
view |
Scalar method identical to the corresponding array attribute. [extrait de view.__doc__] |
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