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A generic data source file (file, http, ftp, ...).
DataSources can be local files or remote files/URLs. The files may
also be compressed or uncompressed. DataSource hides some of the
low-level details of downloading the file, allowing you to simply pass
in a valid file path (or URL) and obtain a file object.
destpath : str or None, optional
Path to the directory where the source file gets downloaded to for
use. If `destpath` is None, a temporary directory will be created.
The default path is the current directory.
URLs require a scheme string (``http://``) to be used, without it they
will fail::
>>> repos = np.DataSource()
>>> repos.exists('www.google.com/index.html')
>>> repos.exists('http://www.google.com/index.html')
Temporary directories are deleted when the DataSource is deleted.
>>> ds = np.DataSource('/home/guido')
>>> urlname = 'http://www.google.com/'
>>> gfile = ds.open('http://www.google.com/')
>>> ds.abspath(urlname)
>>> ds = np.DataSource(None) # use with temporary file
>>> ds.open('/home/guido/foobar.txt')
<open file '/home/guido.foobar.txt', mode 'r' at 0x91d4430>
>>> ds.abspath('/home/guido/foobar.txt')
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