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Difference (subtraction) of two polynomials.
.. note::
This forms part of the old polynomial API. Since version 1.4, the
new polynomial API defined in `numpy.polynomial` is preferred.
A summary of the differences can be found in the
:doc:`transition guide </reference/routines.polynomials>`.
Given two polynomials `a1` and `a2`, returns ``a1 - a2``.
`a1` and `a2` can be either array_like sequences of the polynomials'
coefficients (including coefficients equal to zero), or `poly1d` objects.
a1, a2 : array_like or poly1d
Minuend and subtrahend polynomials, respectively.
out : ndarray or poly1d
Array or `poly1d` object of the difference polynomial's coefficients.
See Also
polyval, polydiv, polymul, polyadd
.. math:: (2 x^2 + 10 x - 2) - (3 x^2 + 10 x -4) = (-x^2 + 2)
>>> np.polysub([2, 10, -2], [3, 10, -4])
array([-1, 0, 2])
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