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Module « numpy »

Fonction info - module numpy

Signature de la fonction info

def info(object=None, maxwidth=76, output=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, toplevel='numpy') 



    Get help information for a function, class, or module.

    object : object or str, optional
        Input object or name to get information about. If `object` is a
        numpy object, its docstring is given. If it is a string, available
        modules are searched for matching objects.  If None, information
        about `info` itself is returned.
    maxwidth : int, optional
        Printing width.
    output : file like object, optional
        File like object that the output is written to, default is
        ``stdout``.  The object has to be opened in 'w' or 'a' mode.
    toplevel : str, optional
        Start search at this level.

    See Also
    source, lookfor

    When used interactively with an object, ```` is equivalent
    to ``help(obj)`` on the Python prompt or ``obj?`` on the IPython

    >>> # doctest: +SKIP
       polyval(p, x)
         Evaluate the polynomial p at x.

    When using a string for `object` it is possible to get multiple results.

    >>>'fft') # doctest: +SKIP
         *** Found in numpy ***
    Core FFT routines
         *** Found in numpy.fft ***
     fft(a, n=None, axis=-1)
         *** Repeat reference found in numpy.fft.fftpack ***
         *** Total of 3 references found. ***


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