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Module « scipy.signal »

Fonction vectorstrength - module scipy.signal

Signature de la fonction vectorstrength

def vectorstrength(events, period) 



    Determine the vector strength of the events corresponding to the given

    The vector strength is a measure of phase synchrony, how well the
    timing of the events is synchronized to a single period of a periodic

    If multiple periods are used, calculate the vector strength of each.
    This is called the "resonating vector strength".

    events : 1D array_like
        An array of time points containing the timing of the events.
    period : float or array_like
        The period of the signal that the events should synchronize to.
        The period is in the same units as `events`.  It can also be an array
        of periods, in which case the outputs are arrays of the same length.

    strength : float or 1D array
        The strength of the synchronization.  1.0 is perfect synchronization
        and 0.0 is no synchronization.  If `period` is an array, this is also
        an array with each element containing the vector strength at the
        corresponding period.
    phase : float or array
        The phase that the events are most strongly synchronized to in radians.
        If `period` is an array, this is also an array with each element
        containing the phase for the corresponding period.

    van Hemmen, JL, Longtin, A, and Vollmayr, AN. Testing resonating vector
        strength: Auditory system, electric fish, and noise.
        Chaos 21, 047508 (2011);
    van Hemmen, JL.  Vector strength after Goldberg, Brown, and von Mises:
        biological and mathematical perspectives.  Biol Cybern.
        2013 Aug;107(4):385-96. :doi:`10.1007/s00422-013-0561-7`.
    van Hemmen, JL and Vollmayr, AN.  Resonating vector strength: what happens
        when we vary the "probing" frequency while keeping the spike times
        fixed.  Biol Cybern. 2013 Aug;107(4):491-94.