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Module « scipy.signal »

Fonction sepfir2d - module scipy.signal

Signature de la fonction sepfir2d



out = sepfir2d(input, hrow, hcol)

    Convolve with a 2-D separable FIR filter.

    Convolve the rank-2 input array with the separable filter defined by the
    rank-1 arrays hrow, and hcol. Mirror symmetric boundary conditions are
    assumed. This function can be used to find an image given its B-spline

    input : ndarray
        The input signal. Must be a rank-2 array.
    hrow : ndarray
        A rank-1 array defining the row direction of the filter.
        Must be odd-length
    hcol : ndarray
        A rank-1 array defining the column direction of the filter.
        Must be odd-length

    output : ndarray
        The filtered signal.

    Examples are given :ref:`in the tutorial <tutorial-signal-bsplines>`.