Module « scipy.signal »
Signature de la fonction lfiltic
def lfiltic(b, a, y, x=None)
Construct initial conditions for lfilter given input and output vectors.
Given a linear filter (b, a) and initial conditions on the output `y`
and the input `x`, return the initial conditions on the state vector zi
which is used by `lfilter` to generate the output given the input.
b : array_like
Linear filter term.
a : array_like
Linear filter term.
y : array_like
Initial conditions.
If ``N = len(a) - 1``, then ``y = {y[-1], y[-2], ..., y[-N]}``.
If `y` is too short, it is padded with zeros.
x : array_like, optional
Initial conditions.
If ``M = len(b) - 1``, then ``x = {x[-1], x[-2], ..., x[-M]}``.
If `x` is not given, its initial conditions are assumed zero.
If `x` is too short, it is padded with zeros.
zi : ndarray
The state vector ``zi = {z_0[-1], z_1[-1], ..., z_K-1[-1]}``,
where ``K = max(M, N)``.
See Also
lfilter, lfilter_zi
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