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Module « scipy.signal »

Fonction find_peaks_cwt - module scipy.signal

Signature de la fonction find_peaks_cwt

def find_peaks_cwt(vector, widths, wavelet=None, max_distances=None, gap_thresh=None, min_length=None, min_snr=1, noise_perc=10, window_size=None) 



    Find peaks in a 1-D array with wavelet transformation.

    The general approach is to smooth `vector` by convolving it with
    `wavelet(width)` for each width in `widths`. Relative maxima which
    appear at enough length scales, and with sufficiently high SNR, are

    vector : ndarray
        1-D array in which to find the peaks.
    widths : float or sequence
        Single width or 1-D array-like of widths to use for calculating
        the CWT matrix. In general,
        this range should cover the expected width of peaks of interest.
    wavelet : callable, optional
        Should take two parameters and return a 1-D array to convolve
        with `vector`. The first parameter determines the number of points
        of the returned wavelet array, the second parameter is the scale
        (`width`) of the wavelet. Should be normalized and symmetric.
        Default is the ricker wavelet.
    max_distances : ndarray, optional
        At each row, a ridge line is only connected if the relative max at
        row[n] is within ``max_distances[n]`` from the relative max at
        ``row[n+1]``.  Default value is ``widths/4``.
    gap_thresh : float, optional
        If a relative maximum is not found within `max_distances`,
        there will be a gap. A ridge line is discontinued if there are more
        than `gap_thresh` points without connecting a new relative maximum.
        Default is the first value of the widths array i.e. widths[0].
    min_length : int, optional
        Minimum length a ridge line needs to be acceptable.
        Default is ``cwt.shape[0] / 4``, ie 1/4-th the number of widths.
    min_snr : float, optional
        Minimum SNR ratio. Default 1. The signal is the value of
        the cwt matrix at the shortest length scale (``cwt[0, loc]``), the
        noise is the `noise_perc`th percentile of datapoints contained within a
        window of `window_size` around ``cwt[0, loc]``.
    noise_perc : float, optional
        When calculating the noise floor, percentile of data points
        examined below which to consider noise. Calculated using
        `stats.scoreatpercentile`.  Default is 10.
    window_size : int, optional
        Size of window to use to calculate noise floor.
        Default is ``cwt.shape[1] / 20``.

    peaks_indices : ndarray
        Indices of the locations in the `vector` where peaks were found.
        The list is sorted.

    See Also
        Continuous wavelet transform.
        Find peaks inside a signal based on peak properties.

    This approach was designed for finding sharp peaks among noisy data,
    however with proper parameter selection it should function well for
    different peak shapes.

    The algorithm is as follows:
     1. Perform a continuous wavelet transform on `vector`, for the supplied
        `widths`. This is a convolution of `vector` with `wavelet(width)` for
        each width in `widths`. See `cwt`.
     2. Identify "ridge lines" in the cwt matrix. These are relative maxima
        at each row, connected across adjacent rows. See identify_ridge_lines
     3. Filter the ridge_lines using filter_ridge_lines.

    .. versionadded:: 0.11.0

    .. [1] Bioinformatics (2006) 22 (17): 2059-2065.

    >>> from scipy import signal
    >>> xs = np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.05)
    >>> data = np.sin(xs)
    >>> peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(data, np.arange(1,10))
    >>> peakind, xs[peakind], data[peakind]
    ([32], array([ 1.6]), array([ 0.9995736]))