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Module « scipy.signal »

Fonction bilinear - module scipy.signal

Signature de la fonction bilinear

def bilinear(b, a, fs=1.0) 



    Return a digital IIR filter from an analog one using a bilinear transform.

    Transform a set of poles and zeros from the analog s-plane to the digital
    z-plane using Tustin's method, which substitutes ``(z-1) / (z+1)`` for
    ``s``, maintaining the shape of the frequency response.

    b : array_like
        Numerator of the analog filter transfer function.
    a : array_like
        Denominator of the analog filter transfer function.
    fs : float
        Sample rate, as ordinary frequency (e.g., hertz). No prewarping is
        done in this function.

    z : ndarray
        Numerator of the transformed digital filter transfer function.
    p : ndarray
        Denominator of the transformed digital filter transfer function.

    See Also
    lp2lp, lp2hp, lp2bp, lp2bs

    >>> from scipy import signal
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    >>> fs = 100
    >>> bf = 2 * np.pi * np.array([7, 13])
    >>> filts = signal.lti(*signal.butter(4, bf, btype='bandpass',
    ...                                   analog=True))
    >>> filtz = signal.lti(*signal.bilinear(filts.num, filts.den, fs))
    >>> wz, hz = signal.freqz(filtz.num, filtz.den)
    >>> ws, hs = signal.freqs(filts.num, filts.den, worN=fs*wz)

    >>> plt.semilogx(wz*fs/(2*np.pi), 20*np.log10(np.abs(hz).clip(1e-15)),
    ...              label=r'$|H_z(e^{j \omega})|$')
    >>> plt.semilogx(wz*fs/(2*np.pi), 20*np.log10(np.abs(hs).clip(1e-15)),
    ...              label=r'$|H(j \omega)|$')
    >>> plt.legend()
    >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
    >>> plt.ylabel('Magnitude [dB]')
    >>> plt.grid()