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Module « scipy.linalg »
Signature de la fonction cossin
def cossin(X, p=None, q=None, separate=False, swap_sign=False, compute_u=True, compute_vh=True)
Compute the cosine-sine (CS) decomposition of an orthogonal/unitary matrix.
X is an ``(m, m)`` orthogonal/unitary matrix, partitioned as the following
where upper left block has the shape of ``(p, q)``::
┌ ┐
│ I 0 0 │ 0 0 0 │
┌ ┐ ┌ ┐│ 0 C 0 │ 0 -S 0 │┌ ┐*
│ X11 │ X12 │ │ U1 │ ││ 0 0 0 │ 0 0 -I ││ V1 │ │
│ ────┼──── │ = │────┼────││─────────┼─────────││────┼────│
│ X21 │ X22 │ │ │ U2 ││ 0 0 0 │ I 0 0 ││ │ V2 │
└ ┘ └ ┘│ 0 S 0 │ 0 C 0 │└ ┘
│ 0 0 I │ 0 0 0 │
└ ┘
``U1``, ``U2``, ``V1``, ``V2`` are square orthogonal/unitary matrices of
dimensions ``(p,p)``, ``(m-p,m-p)``, ``(q,q)``, and ``(m-q,m-q)``
respectively, and ``C`` and ``S`` are ``(r, r)`` nonnegative diagonal
matrices satisfying ``C^2 + S^2 = I`` where ``r = min(p, m-p, q, m-q)``.
Moreover, the rank of the identity matrices are ``min(p, q) - r``,
``min(p, m - q) - r``, ``min(m - p, q) - r``, and ``min(m - p, m - q) - r``
X can be supplied either by itself and block specifications p, q or its
subblocks in an iterable from which the shapes would be derived. See the
examples below.
X : array_like, iterable
complex unitary or real orthogonal matrix to be decomposed, or iterable
of subblocks ``X11``, ``X12``, ``X21``, ``X22``, when ``p``, ``q`` are
p : int, optional
Number of rows of the upper left block ``X11``, used only when X is
given as an array.
q : int, optional
Number of columns of the upper left block ``X11``, used only when X is
given as an array.
separate : bool, optional
if ``True``, the low level components are returned instead of the
matrix factors, i.e. ``(u1,u2)``, ``theta``, ``(v1h,v2h)`` instead of
``u``, ``cs``, ``vh``.
swap_sign : bool, optional
if ``True``, the ``-S``, ``-I`` block will be the bottom left,
otherwise (by default) they will be in the upper right block.
compute_u : bool, optional
if ``False``, ``u`` won't be computed and an empty array is returned.
compute_vh : bool, optional
if ``False``, ``vh`` won't be computed and an empty array is returned.
u : ndarray
When ``compute_u=True``, contains the block diagonal orthogonal/unitary
matrix consisting of the blocks ``U1`` (``p`` x ``p``) and ``U2``
(``m-p`` x ``m-p``) orthogonal/unitary matrices. If ``separate=True``,
this contains the tuple of ``(U1, U2)``.
cs : ndarray
The cosine-sine factor with the structure described above.
If ``separate=True``, this contains the ``theta`` array containing the
angles in radians.
vh : ndarray
When ``compute_vh=True`, contains the block diagonal orthogonal/unitary
matrix consisting of the blocks ``V1H`` (``q`` x ``q``) and ``V2H``
(``m-q`` x ``m-q``) orthogonal/unitary matrices. If ``separate=True``,
this contains the tuple of ``(V1H, V2H)``.
>>> from scipy.linalg import cossin
>>> from scipy.stats import unitary_group
>>> x = unitary_group.rvs(4)
>>> u, cs, vdh = cossin(x, p=2, q=2)
>>> np.allclose(x, u @ cs @ vdh)
Same can be entered via subblocks without the need of ``p`` and ``q``. Also
let's skip the computation of ``u``
>>> ue, cs, vdh = cossin((x[:2, :2], x[:2, 2:], x[2:, :2], x[2:, 2:]),
... compute_u=False)
>>> print(ue)
>>> np.allclose(x, u @ cs @ vdh)
.. [1] : Brian D. Sutton. Computing the complete CS decomposition. Numer.
Algorithms, 50(1):33-65, 2009.
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