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Apply watershed from markers using image foresting transform algorithm.
input : array_like
markers : array_like
Markers are points within each watershed that form the beginning
of the process. Negative markers are considered background markers
which are processed after the other markers.
structure : structure element, optional
A structuring element defining the connectivity of the object can be
provided. If None, an element is generated with a squared
connectivity equal to one.
output : ndarray, optional
An output array can optionally be provided. The same shape as input.
watershed_ift : ndarray
Output. Same shape as `input`.
.. [1] A.X. Falcao, J. Stolfi and R. de Alencar Lotufo, "The image
foresting transform: theory, algorithms, and applications",
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 26, pp. 19-29, 2004.
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