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Module « scipy.ndimage »

Fonction labeled_comprehension - module scipy.ndimage

Signature de la fonction labeled_comprehension

def labeled_comprehension(input, labels, index, func, out_dtype, default, pass_positions=False) 



    Roughly equivalent to [func(input[labels == i]) for i in index].

    Sequentially applies an arbitrary function (that works on array_like input)
    to subsets of an N-D image array specified by `labels` and `index`.
    The option exists to provide the function with positional parameters as the
    second argument.

    input : array_like
        Data from which to select `labels` to process.
    labels : array_like or None
        Labels to objects in `input`.
        If not None, array must be same shape as `input`.
        If None, `func` is applied to raveled `input`.
    index : int, sequence of ints or None
        Subset of `labels` to which to apply `func`.
        If a scalar, a single value is returned.
        If None, `func` is applied to all non-zero values of `labels`.
    func : callable
        Python function to apply to `labels` from `input`.
    out_dtype : dtype
        Dtype to use for `result`.
    default : int, float or None
        Default return value when a element of `index` does not exist
        in `labels`.
    pass_positions : bool, optional
        If True, pass linear indices to `func` as a second argument.
        Default is False.

    result : ndarray
        Result of applying `func` to each of `labels` to `input` in `index`.

    >>> a = np.array([[1, 2, 0, 0],
    ...               [5, 3, 0, 4],
    ...               [0, 0, 0, 7],
    ...               [9, 3, 0, 0]])
    >>> from scipy import ndimage
    >>> lbl, nlbl = ndimage.label(a)
    >>> lbls = np.arange(1, nlbl+1)
    >>> ndimage.labeled_comprehension(a, lbl, lbls, np.mean, float, 0)
    array([ 2.75,  5.5 ,  6.  ])

    Falling back to `default`:

    >>> lbls = np.arange(1, nlbl+2)
    >>> ndimage.labeled_comprehension(a, lbl, lbls, np.mean, float, -1)
    array([ 2.75,  5.5 ,  6.  , -1.  ])

    Passing positions:

    >>> def fn(val, pos):
    ...     print("fn says: %s : %s" % (val, pos))
    ...     return (val.sum()) if (pos.sum() % 2 == 0) else (-val.sum())
    >>> ndimage.labeled_comprehension(a, lbl, lbls, fn, float, 0, True)
    fn says: [1 2 5 3] : [0 1 4 5]
    fn says: [4 7] : [ 7 11]
    fn says: [9 3] : [12 13]
    array([ 11.,  11., -12.,   0.])


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