Module « pandas »
Classe « RangeIndex »
Informations générales
class RangeIndex(Int64Index):
Description [extrait de RangeIndex.__doc__]
Immutable Index implementing a monotonic integer range.
RangeIndex is a memory-saving special case of Int64Index limited to
representing monotonic ranges. Using RangeIndex may in some instances
improve computing speed.
This is the default index type used
by DataFrame and Series when no explicit index is provided by the user.
start : int (default: 0), or other RangeIndex instance
If int and "stop" is not given, interpreted as "stop" instead.
stop : int (default: 0)
step : int (default: 1)
dtype : np.int64
Unused, accepted for homogeneity with other index types.
copy : bool, default False
Unused, accepted for homogeneity with other index types.
name : object, optional
Name to be stored in the index.
See Also
Index : The base pandas Index type.
Int64Index : Index of int64 data.
Liste des attributs statiques
array | < object at 0x7f504b9fe2c0> |
hasnans | < object at 0x7f504bd34d40> |
is_all_dates | < object at 0x7f504bd34c40> |
is_monotonic_decreasing | < object at 0x7f504b6c1840> |
is_monotonic_increasing | < object at 0x7f504b6c17c0> |
nbytes | < object at 0x7f504b6c1680> |
start | < object at 0x7f504b6c15c0> |
step | < object at 0x7f504b6c1640> |
stop | < object at 0x7f504b6c1600> |
Attributs statiques hérités de la classe Int64Index
dtype, is_unique
Attributs statiques hérités de la classe NumericIndex
Liste des propriétés
asi8 | |
dtype | |
empty | |
has_duplicates | |
inferred_type | |
is_monotonic | |
is_unique | return if the index has unique values [extrait de __doc__] |
name | |
names | |
ndim | |
nlevels | |
shape | |
size | |
T | |
values | |
Propriétés héritées de la classe Int64Index
is_monotonic_decreasing, is_monotonic_increasing, nbytes
Propriétés héritées de la classe IndexOpsMixin
Opérateurs hérités de la classe Index
__and__, __iadd__, __inv__, __neg__, __or__, __pos__, __setitem__, __xor__
Opérateurs hérités de la classe OpsMixin
__add__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __mod__, __mul__, __ne__, __pow__, __radd__, __rand__, __rfloordiv__, __rmod__, __rmul__, __ror__, __rpow__, __rsub__, __rtruediv__, __rxor__, __sub__, __truediv__
Liste des méthodes
Toutes les méthodes
Méthodes d'instance
Méthodes statiques
Méthodes dépréciées
__iter__(self) |
__len__(self) -> int |
__reduce__(self) |
all(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool |
any(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool |
argsort(self, *args, **kwargs) -> numpy.ndarray |
copy(self, name=None, deep=False, dtype=None, names=None) |
difference(self, other, sort=None) |
equals(self, other: object) -> bool |
factorize(self, sort: bool = False, na_sentinel: Optional[int] = -1) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, ForwardRef('RangeIndex')] |
from_range(data: range, name=None, dtype=None) -> 'RangeIndex' |
get_indexer(self, target, method=None, limit=None, tolerance=None) |
get_loc(self, key, method=None, tolerance=None) |
join(self, other, how='left', level=None, return_indexers=False, sort=False) |
max(self, axis=None, skipna=True, *args, **kwargs) -> int |
The maximum value of the RangeIndex [extrait de max.__doc__] |
memory_usage(self, deep: bool = False) -> int |
min(self, axis=None, skipna=True, *args, **kwargs) -> int |
The minimum value of the RangeIndex [extrait de min.__doc__] |
symmetric_difference(self, other, result_name=None, sort=None) |
tolist(self) |
Méthodes héritées de la classe Int64Index
__init_subclass__, __subclasshook__
Méthodes héritées de la classe NumericIndex
Méthodes héritées de la classe Index
__abs__, __array__, __array_wrap__, __bool__, __copy__, __deepcopy__, __hash__, __nonzero__, __repr__, append, asof, asof_locs, astype, delete, drop, drop_duplicates, droplevel, dropna, duplicated, fillna, format, get_indexer_for, get_indexer_non_unique, get_level_values, get_slice_bound, get_value, groupby, holds_integer, identical, intersection, is_, is_boolean, is_categorical, is_floating, is_integer, is_interval, is_mixed, is_numeric, is_object, is_type_compatible, isin, isna, isnull, map, notna, notnull, putmask, ravel, reindex, rename, repeat, set_names, set_value, shift, slice_indexer, slice_locs, sort, sort_values, sortlevel, take, to_flat_index, to_frame, to_native_types, to_series, union, unique, view, where
Méthodes héritées de la classe PandasObject
Méthodes héritées de la classe DirNamesMixin
Méthodes héritées de la classe IndexOpsMixin
argmax, argmin, item, nunique, searchsorted, to_list, to_numpy, transpose, value_counts
Méthodes héritées de la classe OpsMixin
__divmod__, __rdivmod__
Méthodes héritées de la classe object
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