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Module « pandas »

Classe « DateOffset »

Informations générales




class DateOffset(RelativeDeltaOffset):

Description [extrait de DateOffset.__doc__]

    Standard kind of date increment used for a date range.

    Works exactly like relativedelta in terms of the keyword args you
    pass in, use of the keyword n is discouraged-- you would be better
    off specifying n in the keywords you use, but regardless it is
    there for you. n is needed for DateOffset subclasses.

    DateOffset work as follows.  Each offset specify a set of dates
    that conform to the DateOffset.  For example, Bday defines this
    set to be the set of dates that are weekdays (M-F).  To test if a
    date is in the set of a DateOffset dateOffset we can use the
    is_on_offset method: dateOffset.is_on_offset(date).

    If a date is not on a valid date, the rollback and rollforward
    methods can be used to roll the date to the nearest valid date
    before/after the date.

    DateOffsets can be created to move dates forward a given number of
    valid dates.  For example, Bday(2) can be added to a date to move
    it two business days forward.  If the date does not start on a
    valid date, first it is moved to a valid date.  Thus pseudo code

    def __add__(date):
      date = rollback(date) # does nothing if date is valid
      return date + <n number of periods>

    When a date offset is created for a negative number of periods,
    the date is first rolled forward.  The pseudo code is:

    def __add__(date):
      date = rollforward(date) # does nothing is date is valid
      return date + <n number of periods>

    Zero presents a problem.  Should it roll forward or back?  We
    arbitrarily have it rollforward:

    date + BDay(0) == BDay.rollforward(date)

    Since 0 is a bit weird, we suggest avoiding its use.

    n : int, default 1
        The number of time periods the offset represents.
    normalize : bool, default False
        Whether to round the result of a DateOffset addition down to the
        previous midnight.
        Temporal parameter that add to or replace the offset value.

        Parameters that **add** to the offset (like Timedelta):

        - years
        - months
        - weeks
        - days
        - hours
        - minutes
        - seconds
        - microseconds
        - nanoseconds

        Parameters that **replace** the offset value:

        - year
        - month
        - day
        - weekday
        - hour
        - minute
        - second
        - microsecond
        - nanosecond.

    See Also
    dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta : The relativedelta type is designed
        to be applied to an existing datetime an can replace specific components of
        that datetime, or represents an interval of time.

    >>> from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset
    >>> ts = pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01 09:10:11')
    >>> ts + DateOffset(months=3)
    Timestamp('2017-04-01 09:10:11')

    >>> ts = pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01 09:10:11')
    >>> ts + DateOffset(months=2)
    Timestamp('2017-03-01 09:10:11')

Liste des attributs statiques

Nom de l'attribut Valeur
freqstr< object at 0x7f504dddaac0>

Attributs statiques hérités de la classe BaseOffset

base, kwds, n, name, nanos, normalize, rule_code

Liste des opérateurs

Opérateurs hérités de la classe BaseOffset

__add__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __mul__, __ne__, __neg__, __radd__, __rmul__, __rsub__, __sub__

Liste des méthodes

Toutes les méthodes Méthodes d'instance Méthodes statiques Méthodes dépréciées
Signature de la méthodeDescription
__setattr__(self, name, value)

Méthodes héritées de la classe RelativeDeltaOffset

__getstate__, __init_subclass__, __reduce_cython__, __setstate__, __setstate_cython__, __subclasshook__, is_on_offset

Méthodes héritées de la classe BaseOffset

__call__, __hash__, __repr__, copy, is_anchored, isAnchored, onOffset, rollback, rollforward

Méthodes héritées de la classe object

__delattr__, __dir__, __format__, __getattribute__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __str__