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Class for parsing tabular excel sheets into DataFrame objects.
See read_excel for more documentation.
path_or_buffer : str, path object (pathlib.Path or py._path.local.LocalPath),
a file-like object, xlrd workbook or openpypl workbook.
If a string or path object, expected to be a path to a
.xls, .xlsx, .xlsb, .xlsm, .odf, .ods, or .odt file.
engine : str, default None
If io is not a buffer or path, this must be set to identify io.
Supported engines: ``xlrd``, ``openpyxl``, ``odf``, ``pyxlsb``
Engine compatibility :
- ``xlrd`` supports old-style Excel files (.xls).
- ``openpyxl`` supports newer Excel file formats.
- ``odf`` supports OpenDocument file formats (.odf, .ods, .odt).
- ``pyxlsb`` supports Binary Excel files.
.. versionchanged:: 1.2.0
The engine `xlrd <https://xlrd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_
now only supports old-style ``.xls`` files.
When ``engine=None``, the following logic will be
used to determine the engine:
- If ``path_or_buffer`` is an OpenDocument format (.odf, .ods, .odt),
then `odf <https://pypi.org/project/odfpy/>`_ will be used.
- Otherwise if ``path_or_buffer`` is an xls format,
``xlrd`` will be used.
- Otherwise if `openpyxl <https://pypi.org/project/openpyxl/>`_ is installed,
then ``openpyxl`` will be used.
- Otherwise if ``xlrd >= 2.0`` is installed, a ``ValueError`` will be raised.
- Otherwise ``xlrd`` will be used and a ``FutureWarning`` will be raised.
This case will raise a ``ValueError`` in a future version of pandas.
.. warning::
Please do not report issues when using ``xlrd`` to read ``.xlsx`` files.
This is not supported, switch to using ``openpyxl`` instead.
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