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Module « pandas »

Fonction read_gbq - module pandas

Signature de la fonction read_gbq

def read_gbq(query: str, project_id: Optional[str] = None, index_col: Optional[str] = None, col_order: Optional[List[str]] = None, reauth: bool = False, auth_local_webserver: bool = False, dialect: Optional[str] = None, location: Optional[str] = None, configuration: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, credentials=None, use_bqstorage_api: Optional[bool] = None, max_results: Optional[int] = None, progress_bar_type: Optional[str] = None) -> 'DataFrame' 



    Load data from Google BigQuery.

    This function requires the `pandas-gbq package

    See the `How to authenticate with Google BigQuery
    guide for authentication instructions.

    query : str
        SQL-Like Query to return data values.
    project_id : str, optional
        Google BigQuery Account project ID. Optional when available from
        the environment.
    index_col : str, optional
        Name of result column to use for index in results DataFrame.
    col_order : list(str), optional
        List of BigQuery column names in the desired order for results
    reauth : bool, default False
        Force Google BigQuery to re-authenticate the user. This is useful
        if multiple accounts are used.
    auth_local_webserver : bool, default False
        Use the `local webserver flow`_ instead of the `console flow`_
        when getting user credentials.

        .. _local webserver flow:
        .. _console flow:

        *New in version 0.2.0 of pandas-gbq*.
    dialect : str, default 'legacy'
        Note: The default value is changing to 'standard' in a future version.

        SQL syntax dialect to use. Value can be one of:

            Use BigQuery's legacy SQL dialect. For more information see
            `BigQuery Legacy SQL Reference
            Use BigQuery's standard SQL, which is
            compliant with the SQL 2011 standard. For more information
            see `BigQuery Standard SQL Reference

        .. versionchanged:: 0.24.0
    location : str, optional
        Location where the query job should run. See the `BigQuery locations
        <>`__ for a
        list of available locations. The location must match that of any
        datasets used in the query.

        *New in version 0.5.0 of pandas-gbq*.
    configuration : dict, optional
        Query config parameters for job processing.
        For example:

            configuration = {'query': {'useQueryCache': False}}

        For more information see `BigQuery REST API Reference
    credentials : google.auth.credentials.Credentials, optional
        Credentials for accessing Google APIs. Use this parameter to override
        default credentials, such as to use Compute Engine
        :class:`google.auth.compute_engine.Credentials` or Service Account
        :class:`google.oauth2.service_account.Credentials` directly.

        *New in version 0.8.0 of pandas-gbq*.

        .. versionadded:: 0.24.0
    use_bqstorage_api : bool, default False
        Use the `BigQuery Storage API
        <>`__ to
        download query results quickly, but at an increased cost. To use this
        API, first `enable it in the Cloud Console
        You must also have the `bigquery.readsessions.create
        permission on the project you are billing queries to.

        This feature requires version 0.10.0 or later of the ``pandas-gbq``
        package. It also requires the ``google-cloud-bigquery-storage`` and
        ``fastavro`` packages.

        .. versionadded:: 0.25.0
    max_results : int, optional
        If set, limit the maximum number of rows to fetch from the query

        *New in version 0.12.0 of pandas-gbq*.

        .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
    progress_bar_type : Optional, str
        If set, use the `tqdm <>`__ library to
        display a progress bar while the data downloads. Install the
        ``tqdm`` package to use this feature.

        Possible values of ``progress_bar_type`` include:

            No progress bar.
            Use the :func:`tqdm.tqdm` function to print a progress bar
            to :data:`sys.stderr`.
            Use the :func:`tqdm.tqdm_notebook` function to display a
            progress bar as a Jupyter notebook widget.
            Use the :func:`tqdm.tqdm_gui` function to display a
            progress bar as a graphical dialog box.

        Note that his feature requires version 0.12.0 or later of the
        ``pandas-gbq`` package. And it requires the ``tqdm`` package. Slightly
        different than ``pandas-gbq``, here the default is ``None``.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

    df: DataFrame
        DataFrame representing results of query.

    See Also
    pandas_gbq.read_gbq : This function in the pandas-gbq library.
    DataFrame.to_gbq : Write a DataFrame to Google BigQuery.

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