Module « scipy.integrate »
Signature de la fonction simpson
def simpson(y, x=None, dx=1.0, axis=-1, even='avg')
Integrate y(x) using samples along the given axis and the composite
Simpson's rule. If x is None, spacing of dx is assumed.
If there are an even number of samples, N, then there are an odd
number of intervals (N-1), but Simpson's rule requires an even number
of intervals. The parameter 'even' controls how this is handled.
y : array_like
Array to be integrated.
x : array_like, optional
If given, the points at which `y` is sampled.
dx : float, optional
Spacing of integration points along axis of `x`. Only used when
`x` is None. Default is 1.
axis : int, optional
Axis along which to integrate. Default is the last axis.
even : str {'avg', 'first', 'last'}, optional
'avg' : Average two results:1) use the first N-2 intervals with
a trapezoidal rule on the last interval and 2) use the last
N-2 intervals with a trapezoidal rule on the first interval.
'first' : Use Simpson's rule for the first N-2 intervals with
a trapezoidal rule on the last interval.
'last' : Use Simpson's rule for the last N-2 intervals with a
trapezoidal rule on the first interval.
See Also
quad: adaptive quadrature using QUADPACK
romberg: adaptive Romberg quadrature
quadrature: adaptive Gaussian quadrature
fixed_quad: fixed-order Gaussian quadrature
dblquad: double integrals
tplquad: triple integrals
romb: integrators for sampled data
cumulative_trapezoid: cumulative integration for sampled data
ode: ODE integrators
odeint: ODE integrators
For an odd number of samples that are equally spaced the result is
exact if the function is a polynomial of order 3 or less. If
the samples are not equally spaced, then the result is exact only
if the function is a polynomial of order 2 or less.
>>> from scipy import integrate
>>> x = np.arange(0, 10)
>>> y = np.arange(0, 10)
>>> integrate.simpson(y, x)
>>> y = np.power(x, 3)
>>> integrate.simpson(y, x)
>>> integrate.quad(lambda x: x**3, 0, 9)[0]
>>> integrate.simpson(y, x, even='first')
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