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Module « scipy.integrate »

Fonction cumulative_trapezoid - module scipy.integrate

Signature de la fonction cumulative_trapezoid

def cumulative_trapezoid(y, x=None, dx=1.0, axis=-1, initial=None) 



    Cumulatively integrate y(x) using the composite trapezoidal rule.

    y : array_like
        Values to integrate.
    x : array_like, optional
        The coordinate to integrate along. If None (default), use spacing `dx`
        between consecutive elements in `y`.
    dx : float, optional
        Spacing between elements of `y`. Only used if `x` is None.
    axis : int, optional
        Specifies the axis to cumulate. Default is -1 (last axis).
    initial : scalar, optional
        If given, insert this value at the beginning of the returned result.
        Typically this value should be 0. Default is None, which means no
        value at ``x[0]`` is returned and `res` has one element less than `y`
        along the axis of integration.

    res : ndarray
        The result of cumulative integration of `y` along `axis`.
        If `initial` is None, the shape is such that the axis of integration
        has one less value than `y`. If `initial` is given, the shape is equal
        to that of `y`.

    See Also
    numpy.cumsum, numpy.cumprod
    quad: adaptive quadrature using QUADPACK
    romberg: adaptive Romberg quadrature
    quadrature: adaptive Gaussian quadrature
    fixed_quad: fixed-order Gaussian quadrature
    dblquad: double integrals
    tplquad: triple integrals
    romb: integrators for sampled data
    ode: ODE integrators
    odeint: ODE integrators

    >>> from scipy import integrate
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    >>> x = np.linspace(-2, 2, num=20)
    >>> y = x
    >>> y_int = integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(y, x, initial=0)
    >>> plt.plot(x, y_int, 'ro', x, y[0] + 0.5 * x**2, 'b-')