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Module « scipy.stats.mstats »

Fonction compare_medians_ms - module scipy.stats.mstats

Signature de la fonction compare_medians_ms

def compare_medians_ms(group_1, group_2, axis=None) 



    Compares the medians from two independent groups along the given axis.

    The comparison is performed using the McKean-Schrader estimate of the
    standard error of the medians.

    group_1 : array_like
        First dataset.  Has to be of size >=7.
    group_2 : array_like
        Second dataset.  Has to be of size >=7.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which the medians are estimated. If None, the arrays are
        flattened.  If `axis` is not None, then `group_1` and `group_2`
        should have the same shape.

    compare_medians_ms : {float, ndarray}
        If `axis` is None, then returns a float, otherwise returns a 1-D
        ndarray of floats with a length equal to the length of `group_1`
        along `axis`.