Module « numpy.random »
Classe « SFC64 »
Informations générales
class SFC64(BitGenerator):
Description [extrait de SFC64.__doc__]
BitGenerator for Chris Doty-Humphrey's Small Fast Chaotic PRNG.
seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence}, optional
A seed to initialize the `BitGenerator`. If None, then fresh,
unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. If an ``int`` or
``array_like[ints]`` is passed, then it will be passed to
`SeedSequence` to derive the initial `BitGenerator` state. One may also
pass in a `SeedSequence` instance.
``SFC64`` is a 256-bit implementation of Chris Doty-Humphrey's Small Fast
Chaotic PRNG ([1]_). ``SFC64`` has a few different cycles that one might be
on, depending on the seed; the expected period will be about
:math:`2^{255}` ([2]_). ``SFC64`` incorporates a 64-bit counter which means
that the absolute minimum cycle length is :math:`2^{64}` and that distinct
seeds will not run into each other for at least :math:`2^{64}` iterations.
``SFC64`` provides a capsule containing function pointers that produce
doubles, and unsigned 32 and 64- bit integers. These are not
directly consumable in Python and must be consumed by a ``Generator``
or similar object that supports low-level access.
**State and Seeding**
The ``SFC64`` state vector consists of 4 unsigned 64-bit values. The last
is a 64-bit counter that increments by 1 each iteration.
The input seed is processed by `SeedSequence` to generate the first
3 values, then the ``SFC64`` algorithm is iterated a small number of times
to mix.
**Compatibility Guarantee**
``SFC64`` makes a guarantee that a fixed seed will always produce the same
random integer stream.
.. [1] `"PractRand"
.. [2] `"Random Invertible Mapping Statistics"
Liste des attributs statiques
state | <attribute 'state' of 'numpy.random._sfc64.SFC64' objects> |
Attributs statiques hérités de la classe BitGenerator
capsule, cffi, ctypes, lock
Liste des opérateurs
Opérateurs hérités de la classe object
Liste des méthodes
Toutes les méthodes
Méthodes d'instance
Méthodes statiques
Méthodes dépréciées
Méthodes héritées de la classe BitGenerator
__getstate__, __init_subclass__, __reduce__, __setstate__, __subclasshook__, random_raw
Méthodes héritées de la classe object
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