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rand(d0, d1, ..., dn)
Random values in a given shape.
.. note::
This is a convenience function for users porting code from Matlab,
and wraps `random_sample`. That function takes a
tuple to specify the size of the output, which is consistent with
other NumPy functions like `numpy.zeros` and `numpy.ones`.
Create an array of the given shape and populate it with
random samples from a uniform distribution
over ``[0, 1)``.
d0, d1, ..., dn : int, optional
The dimensions of the returned array, must be non-negative.
If no argument is given a single Python float is returned.
out : ndarray, shape ``(d0, d1, ..., dn)``
Random values.
See Also
>>> np.random.rand(3,2)
array([[ 0.14022471, 0.96360618], #random
[ 0.37601032, 0.25528411], #random
[ 0.49313049, 0.94909878]]) #random
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