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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Module « matplotlib.pyplot »

Fonction register_cmap - module matplotlib.pyplot

Signature de la fonction register_cmap

def register_cmap(name=None, cmap=None, *, override_builtin=False) 



    Add a colormap to the set recognized by :func:`get_cmap`.

    Register a new colormap to be accessed by name ::

        LinearSegmentedColormap('swirly', data, lut)

    name : str, optional
       The name that can be used in :func:`get_cmap` or :rc:`image.cmap`

       If absent, the name will be the :attr:``
       attribute of the *cmap*.

    cmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap
       Despite being the second argument and having a default value, this
       is a required argument.

    override_builtin : bool

        Allow built-in colormaps to be overridden by a user-supplied

        Please do not use this unless you are sure you need it.

    Registering a colormap stores a reference to the colormap object
    which can currently be modified and inadvertently change the global
    colormap state. This behavior is deprecated and in Matplotlib 3.5
    the registered colormap will be immutable.