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Module « matplotlib.pyplot »

Fonction isinteractive - module matplotlib.pyplot

Signature de la fonction isinteractive

def isinteractive() 



    Return whether plots are updated after every plotting command.

    The interactive mode is mainly useful if you build plots from the command
    line and want to see the effect of each command while you are building the

    In interactive mode:

    - newly created figures will be shown immediately;
    - figures will automatically redraw on change;
    - `` will not block by default.

    In non-interactive mode:

    - newly created figures and changes to figures will not be reflected until
      explicitly asked to be;
    - `` will block by default.

    See Also
    ion : Enable interactive mode.
    ioff : Disable interactive mode.
    show : Show all figures (and maybe block).
    pause : Show all figures, and block for a time.

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