__getstate__(self) |
add_callback(self, func) |
contains(self, mouseevent) |
convert_xunits(self, x) |
convert_yunits(self, y) |
draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs) |
findobj(self, match=None, include_self=True) |
format_cursor_data(self, data) |
get_agg_filter(self) |
Return filter function to be used for agg filter. [extrait de get_agg_filter.__doc__] |
get_alpha(self) |
get_animated(self) |
Return whether the artist is animated. [extrait de get_animated.__doc__] |
get_children(self) |
Return a list of the child `.Artist`\s of this `.Artist`. [extrait de get_children.__doc__] |
get_clip_box(self) |
Return the clipbox. [extrait de get_clip_box.__doc__] |
get_clip_on(self) |
Return whether the artist uses clipping. [extrait de get_clip_on.__doc__] |
get_clip_path(self) |
Return the clip path. [extrait de get_clip_path.__doc__] |
get_contains(self) |
[*Deprecated*] Return the custom contains function of the artist if set, or *None*. [extrait de get_contains.__doc__] |
get_cursor_data(self, event) |
get_figure(self) |
Return the `.Figure` instance the artist belongs to. [extrait de get_figure.__doc__] |
get_gid(self) |
Return the group id. [extrait de get_gid.__doc__] |
get_in_layout(self) |
get_label(self) |
Return the label used for this artist in the legend. [extrait de get_label.__doc__] |
get_path_effects(self) |
get_picker(self) |
get_rasterized(self) |
Return whether the artist is to be rasterized. [extrait de get_rasterized.__doc__] |
get_sketch_params(self) |
get_snap(self) |
get_tightbbox(self, renderer) |
get_transform(self) |
Return the `.Transform` instance used by this artist. [extrait de get_transform.__doc__] |
get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine(self) |
get_url(self) |
Return the url. [extrait de get_url.__doc__] |
get_visible(self) |
Return the visibility. [extrait de get_visible.__doc__] |
get_window_extent(self, renderer) |
get_zorder(self) |
Return the artist's zorder. [extrait de get_zorder.__doc__] |
have_units(self) |
Return whether units are set on any axis. [extrait de have_units.__doc__] |
is_transform_set(self) |
pchanged(self) |
pick(self, mouseevent) |
pickable(self) |
properties(self) |
Return a dictionary of all the properties of the artist. [extrait de properties.__doc__] |
remove(self) |
remove_callback(self, oid) |
set(self, **kwargs) |
A property batch setter. Pass *kwargs* to set properties. [extrait de set.__doc__] |
set_agg_filter(self, filter_func) |
set_alpha(self, alpha) |
set_animated(self, b) |
set_clip_box(self, clipbox) |
set_clip_on(self, b) |
set_clip_path(self, path, transform=None) |
set_contains(self, picker) |
[*Deprecated*] Define a custom contains test for the artist. [extrait de set_contains.__doc__] |
set_figure(self, fig) |
set_gid(self, gid) |
set_in_layout(self, in_layout) |
set_label(self, s) |
set_path_effects(self, path_effects) |
set_picker(self, picker) |
set_rasterized(self, rasterized) |
set_sketch_params(self, scale=None, length=None, randomness=None) |
set_snap(self, snap) |
set_transform(self, t) |
set_url(self, url) |
set_visible(self, b) |
set_zorder(self, level) |
update(self, props) |
update_from(self, other) |
Copy properties from *other* to *self*. [extrait de update_from.__doc__] |
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