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Module « matplotlib.pyplot »

Fonction figure - module matplotlib.pyplot

Signature de la fonction figure

def figure(num=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True, FigureClass=<class 'matplotlib.figure.Figure'>, clear=False, **kwargs) 



    Create a new figure, or activate an existing figure.

    num : int or str or `.Figure`, optional
        A unique identifier for the figure.

        If a figure with that identifier already exists, this figure is made
        active and returned. An integer refers to the ``Figure.number``
        attribute, a string refers to the figure label.

        If there is no figure with the identifier or *num* is not given, a new
        figure is created, made active and returned.  If *num* is an int, it
        will be used for the ``Figure.number`` attribute, otherwise, an
        auto-generated integer value is used (starting at 1 and incremented
        for each new figure). If *num* is a string, the figure label and the
        window title is set to this value.

    figsize : (float, float), default: :rc:`figure.figsize`
        Width, height in inches.

    dpi : float, default: :rc:`figure.dpi`
        The resolution of the figure in dots-per-inch.

    facecolor : color, default: :rc:`figure.facecolor`
        The background color.

    edgecolor : color, default: :rc:`figure.edgecolor`
        The border color.

    frameon : bool, default: True
        If False, suppress drawing the figure frame.

    FigureClass : subclass of `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`
        Optionally use a custom `.Figure` instance.

    clear : bool, default: False
        If True and the figure already exists, then it is cleared.

    tight_layout : bool or dict, default: :rc:`figure.autolayout`
        If ``False`` use *subplotpars*. If ``True`` adjust subplot
        parameters using `.tight_layout` with default padding.
        When providing a dict containing the keys ``pad``, ``w_pad``,
        ``h_pad``, and ``rect``, the default `.tight_layout` paddings
        will be overridden.

    constrained_layout : bool, default: :rc:`figure.constrained_layout.use`
        If ``True`` use constrained layout to adjust positioning of plot
        elements.  Like ``tight_layout``, but designed to be more
        flexible.  See
        for examples.  (Note: does not work with `add_subplot` or

    **kwargs : optional
        See `~.matplotlib.figure.Figure` for other possible arguments.

        The `.Figure` instance returned will also be passed to
        new_figure_manager in the backends, which allows to hook custom
        `.Figure` classes into the pyplot interface. Additional kwargs will be
        passed to the `.Figure` init function.

    If you are creating many figures, make sure you explicitly call
    `.pyplot.close` on the figures you are not using, because this will
    enable pyplot to properly clean up the memory.

    `~matplotlib.rcParams` defines the default values, which can be modified
    in the matplotlibrc file.