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Module « matplotlib.pyplot »

Fonction subplot2grid - module matplotlib.pyplot

Signature de la fonction subplot2grid

def subplot2grid(shape, loc, rowspan=1, colspan=1, fig=None, **kwargs) 



    Create a subplot at a specific location inside a regular grid.

    shape : (int, int)
        Number of rows and of columns of the grid in which to place axis.
    loc : (int, int)
        Row number and column number of the axis location within the grid.
    rowspan : int, default: 1
        Number of rows for the axis to span downwards.
    colspan : int, default: 1
        Number of columns for the axis to span to the right.
    fig : `.Figure`, optional
        Figure to place the subplot in. Defaults to the current figure.
        Additional keyword arguments are handed to `~.Figure.add_subplot`.

    `.axes.SubplotBase`, or another subclass of `~.axes.Axes`

        The axes of the subplot.  The returned axes base class depends on the
        projection used.  It is `~.axes.Axes` if rectilinear projection is used
        and `.projections.polar.PolarAxes` if polar projection is used.  The
        returned axes is then a subplot subclass of the base class.

    The following call ::

        ax = subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (row, col), rowspan, colspan)

    is identical to ::

        fig = gcf()
        gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows, ncols)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row:row+rowspan, col:col+colspan])