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Module « matplotlib.pyplot »

Fonction plotting - module matplotlib.pyplot

Signature de la fonction plotting

def plotting() 



============================ ====================================================================================================================
Function                     Description                                                                                                         
============================ ====================================================================================================================
`acorr`                      Plot the autocorrelation of *x*.                                                                                    
`angle_spectrum`             Plot the angle spectrum.                                                                                            
`annotate`                   Annotate the point *xy* with text *text*.                                                                           
`arrow`                      Add an arrow to the Axes.                                                                                           
`autoscale`                  Autoscale the axis view to the data (toggle).                                                                       
`axes`                       Add an axes to the current figure and make it the current axes.                                                     
`axhline`                    Add a horizontal line across the axis.                                                                              
`axhspan`                    Add a horizontal span (rectangle) across the Axes.                                                                  
`axis`                       Convenience method to get or set some axis properties.                                                              
`axline`                     Add an infinitely long straight line.                                                                               
`axvline`                    Add a vertical line across the Axes.                                                                                
`axvspan`                    Add a vertical span (rectangle) across the Axes.                                                                    
`bar`                        Make a bar plot.                                                                                                    
`bar_label`                  Label a bar plot.                                                                                                   
`barbs`                      Plot a 2D field of barbs.                                                                                           
`barh`                       Make a horizontal bar plot.                                                                                         
`box`                        Turn the axes box on or off on the current axes.                                                                    
`boxplot`                    Make a box and whisker plot.                                                                                        
`broken_barh`                Plot a horizontal sequence of rectangles.                                                                           
`cla`                        Clear the current axes.                                                                                             
`clabel`                     Label a contour plot.                                                                                               
`clf`                        Clear the current figure.                                                                                           
`clim`                       Set the color limits of the current image.                                                                          
`close`                      Close a figure window.                                                                                              
`cohere`                     Plot the coherence between *x* and *y*.                                                                             
`colorbar`                   Add a colorbar to a plot.                                                                                           
`contour`                    Plot contour lines.                                                                                                 
`contourf`                   Plot filled contours.                                                                                               
`csd`                        Plot the cross-spectral density.                                                                                    
`delaxes`                    Remove an `~.axes.Axes` (defaulting to the current axes) from its figure.                                           
`draw`                       Redraw the current figure.                                                                                          
`draw_if_interactive`        Redraw the current figure if in interactive mode.                                                                   
`errorbar`                   Plot y versus x as lines and/or markers with attached errorbars.                                                    
`eventplot`                  Plot identical parallel lines at the given positions.                                                               
`figimage`                   Add a non-resampled image to the figure.                                                                            
`figlegend`                  Place a legend on the figure.                                                                                       
`fignum_exists`              Return whether the figure with the given id exists.                                                                 
`figtext`                    Add text to figure.                                                                                                 
`figure`                     Create a new figure, or activate an existing figure.                                                                
`fill`                       Plot filled polygons.                                                                                               
`fill_between`               Fill the area between two horizontal curves.                                                                        
`fill_betweenx`              Fill the area between two vertical curves.                                                                          
`findobj`                    Find artist objects.                                                                                                
`gca`                        Get the current Axes, creating one if necessary.                                                                    
`gcf`                        Get the current figure.                                                                                             
`gci`                        Get the current colorable artist.                                                                                   
`get`                        Return the value of an `.Artist`'s *property*, or print all of them.                                                
`get_figlabels`              Return a list of existing figure labels.                                                                            
`get_fignums`                Return a list of existing figure numbers.                                                                           
`getp`                       Return the value of an `.Artist`'s *property*, or print all of them.                                                
`grid`                       Configure the grid lines.                                                                                           
`hexbin`                     Make a 2D hexagonal binning plot of points *x*, *y*.                                                                
`hist`                       Plot a histogram.                                                                                                   
`hist2d`                     Make a 2D histogram plot.                                                                                           
`hlines`                     Plot horizontal lines at each *y* from *xmin* to *xmax*.                                                            
`imread`                     Read an image from a file into an array.                                                                            
`imsave`                     Save an array as an image file.                                                                                     
`imshow`                     Display data as an image, i.e., on a 2D regular raster.                                                             
`install_repl_displayhook`   Install a repl display hook so that any stale figure are automatically redrawn when control is returned to the repl.
`ioff`                       Disable interactive mode.                                                                                           
`ion`                        Enable interactive mode.                                                                                            
`isinteractive`              Return whether plots are updated after every plotting command.                                                      
`legend`                     Place a legend on the Axes.                                                                                         
`locator_params`             Control behavior of major tick locators.                                                                            
`loglog`                     Make a plot with log scaling on both the x and y axis.                                                              
`magnitude_spectrum`         Plot the magnitude spectrum.                                                                                        
`margins`                    Set or retrieve autoscaling margins.                                                                                
`matshow`                    Display an array as a matrix in a new figure window.                                                                
`minorticks_off`             Remove minor ticks from the axes.                                                                                   
`minorticks_on`              Display minor ticks on the axes.                                                                                    
`new_figure_manager`         Create a new figure manager instance.                                                                               
`pause`                      Run the GUI event loop for *interval* seconds.                                                                      
`pcolor`                     Create a pseudocolor plot with a non-regular rectangular grid.                                                      
`pcolormesh`                 Create a pseudocolor plot with a non-regular rectangular grid.                                                      
`phase_spectrum`             Plot the phase spectrum.                                                                                            
`pie`                        Plot a pie chart.                                                                                                   
`plot`                       Plot y versus x as lines and/or markers.                                                                            
`plot_date`                  Plot co-ercing the axis to treat floats as dates.                                                                   
`polar`                      Make a polar plot.                                                                                                  
`psd`                        Plot the power spectral density.                                                                                    
`quiver`                     Plot a 2D field of arrows.                                                                                          
`quiverkey`                  Add a key to a quiver plot.                                                                                         
`rc`                         Set the current `.rcParams`.                                                                                        
`rc_context`                 Return a context manager for temporarily changing rcParams.                                                         
`rcdefaults`                 Restore the `.rcParams` from Matplotlib's internal default style.                                                   
`rgrids`                     Get or set the radial gridlines on the current polar plot.                                                          
`savefig`                    Save the current figure.                                                                                            
`sca`                        Set the current Axes to *ax* and the current Figure to the parent of *ax*.                                          
`scatter`                    A scatter plot of *y* vs.                                                                                           
`sci`                        Set the current image.                                                                                              
`semilogx`                   Make a plot with log scaling on the x axis.                                                                         
`semilogy`                   Make a plot with log scaling on the y axis.                                                                         
`set_cmap`                   Set the default colormap, and applies it to the current image if any.                                               
`setp`                       Set one or more properties on an `.Artist`, or list allowed values.                                                 
`show`                       Display all open figures.                                                                                           
`specgram`                   Plot a spectrogram.                                                                                                 
`spy`                        Plot the sparsity pattern of a 2D array.                                                                            
`stackplot`                  Draw a stacked area plot.                                                                                           
`stairs`                     A stepwise constant function as a line with bounding edges or a filled plot.                                        
`stem`                       Create a stem plot.                                                                                                 
`step`                       Make a step plot.                                                                                                   
`streamplot`                 Draw streamlines of a vector flow.                                                                                  
`subplot`                    Add an Axes to the current figure or retrieve an existing Axes.                                                     
`subplot2grid`               Create a subplot at a specific location inside a regular grid.                                                      
`subplot_mosaic`             Build a layout of Axes based on ASCII art or nested lists.                                                          
`subplot_tool`               Launch a subplot tool window for a figure.                                                                          
`subplots`                   Create a figure and a set of subplots.                                                                              
`subplots_adjust`            Adjust the subplot layout parameters.                                                                               
`suptitle`                   Add a centered suptitle to the figure.                                                                              
`switch_backend`             Close all open figures and set the Matplotlib backend.                                                              
`table`                      Add a table to an `~.axes.Axes`.                                                                                    
`text`                       Add text to the Axes.                                                                                               
`thetagrids`                 Get or set the theta gridlines on the current polar plot.                                                           
`tick_params`                Change the appearance of ticks, tick labels, and gridlines.                                                         
`ticklabel_format`           Configure the `.ScalarFormatter` used by default for linear axes.                                                   
`tight_layout`               Adjust the padding between and around subplots.                                                                     
`title`                      Set a title for the Axes.                                                                                           
`tricontour`                 Draw contour lines on an unstructured triangular grid.                                                              
`tricontourf`                Draw contour regions on an unstructured triangular grid.                                                            
`tripcolor`                  Create a pseudocolor plot of an unstructured triangular grid.                                                       
`triplot`                    Draw a unstructured triangular grid as lines and/or markers.                                                        
`twinx`                      Make and return a second axes that shares the *x*-axis.                                                             
`twiny`                      Make and return a second axes that shares the *y*-axis.                                                             
`uninstall_repl_displayhook` Uninstall the matplotlib display hook.                                                                              
`violinplot`                 Make a violin plot.                                                                                                 
`vlines`                     Plot vertical lines at each *x* from *ymin* to *ymax*.                                                              
`xcorr`                      Plot the cross correlation between *x* and *y*.                                                                     
`xkcd`                       Turn on `xkcd <>`_ sketch-style drawing mode.                                                      
`xlabel`                     Set the label for the x-axis.                                                                                       
`xlim`                       Get or set the x limits of the current axes.                                                                        
`xscale`                     Set the x-axis scale.                                                                                               
`xticks`                     Get or set the current tick locations and labels of the x-axis.                                                     
`ylabel`                     Set the label for the y-axis.                                                                                       
`ylim`                       Get or set the y-limits of the current axes.                                                                        
`yscale`                     Set the y-axis scale.                                                                                               
`yticks`                     Get or set the current tick locations and labels of the y-axis.                                                     
============================ ====================================================================================================================

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