__abs__(self) |
__bool__(self) |
__div__(self, other) |
__getattr__(self, attr) |
__idiv__(self, other) |
__iter__(self) |
__len__(self) |
__nonzero__(self) |
__rdiv__(self, other) |
__repr__(self) |
__rmatmul__(self, other) |
__round__(self, ndigits=0) |
__str__(self) |
asformat(self, format, copy=False) |
Return this matrix in the passed format. [extrait de asformat.__doc__] |
asfptype(self) |
Upcast matrix to a floating point format (if necessary) [extrait de asfptype.__doc__] |
astype(self, dtype, casting='unsafe', copy=True) |
Cast the matrix elements to a specified type. [extrait de astype.__doc__] |
conj(self, copy=True) |
Element-wise complex conjugation. [extrait de conj.__doc__] |
conjugate(self, copy=True) |
Element-wise complex conjugation. [extrait de conjugate.__doc__] |
copy(self) |
Returns a copy of this matrix. [extrait de copy.__doc__] |
count_nonzero(self) |
Number of non-zero entries, equivalent to [extrait de count_nonzero.__doc__] |
diagonal(self, k=0) |
Returns the kth diagonal of the matrix. [extrait de diagonal.__doc__] |
dot(self, other) |
Ordinary dot product [extrait de dot.__doc__] |
get_shape(self) |
Get shape of a matrix. [extrait de get_shape.__doc__] |
getcol(self, j) |
Returns a copy of column j of the matrix, as an (m x 1) sparse [extrait de getcol.__doc__] |
getformat(self) |
Format of a matrix representation as a string. [extrait de getformat.__doc__] |
getH(self) |
Return the Hermitian transpose of this matrix. [extrait de getH.__doc__] |
getmaxprint(self) |
Maximum number of elements to display when printed. [extrait de getmaxprint.__doc__] |
getnnz(self, axis=None) |
Number of stored values, including explicit zeros. [extrait de getnnz.__doc__] |
getrow(self, i) |
Returns a copy of row i of the matrix, as a (1 x n) sparse [extrait de getrow.__doc__] |
maximum(self, other) |
Element-wise maximum between this and another matrix. [extrait de maximum.__doc__] |
mean(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None) |
minimum(self, other) |
Element-wise minimum between this and another matrix. [extrait de minimum.__doc__] |
multiply(self, other) |
Point-wise multiplication by another matrix [extrait de multiply.__doc__] |
nonzero(self) |
nonzero indices [extrait de nonzero.__doc__] |
power(self, n, dtype=None) |
Element-wise power. [extrait de power.__doc__] |
reshape(self, *args, **kwargs) |
reshape(self, shape, order='C', copy=False) [extrait de reshape.__doc__] |
resize(self, shape) |
Resize the matrix in-place to dimensions given by ``shape`` [extrait de resize.__doc__] |
set_shape(self, shape) |
See `reshape`. [extrait de set_shape.__doc__] |
setdiag(self, values, k=0) |
sum(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None) |
toarray(self, order=None, out=None) |
tobsr(self, blocksize=None, copy=False) |
Convert this matrix to Block Sparse Row format. [extrait de tobsr.__doc__] |
tocoo(self, copy=False) |
Convert this matrix to COOrdinate format. [extrait de tocoo.__doc__] |
tocsc(self, copy=False) |
Convert this matrix to Compressed Sparse Column format. [extrait de tocsc.__doc__] |
tocsr(self, copy=False) |
Convert this matrix to Compressed Sparse Row format. [extrait de tocsr.__doc__] |
todense(self, order=None, out=None) |
todia(self, copy=False) |
Convert this matrix to sparse DIAgonal format. [extrait de todia.__doc__] |
todok(self, copy=False) |
Convert this matrix to Dictionary Of Keys format. [extrait de todok.__doc__] |
tolil(self, copy=False) |
Convert this matrix to List of Lists format. [extrait de tolil.__doc__] |
transpose(self, axes=None, copy=False) |
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