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Module « scipy.fft »

Fonction set_backend - module scipy.fft

Signature de la fonction set_backend

def set_backend(backend, coerce=False, only=False) 



Context manager to set the backend within a fixed scope.

    Upon entering the ``with`` statement, the given backend will be added to
    the list of available backends with the highest priority. Upon exit, the
    backend is reset to the state before entering the scope.

    backend : {object, 'scipy'}
        The backend to use.
        Can either be a ``str`` containing the name of a known backend
        {'scipy'} or an object that implements the uarray protocol.
    coerce : bool, optional
        Whether to allow expensive conversions for the ``x`` parameter. e.g.,
        copying a NumPy array to the GPU for a CuPy backend. Implies ``only``.
    only : bool, optional
        If only is ``True`` and this backend returns ``NotImplemented``, then a
        BackendNotImplemented error will be raised immediately. Ignoring any
        lower priority backends.

    >>> import scipy.fft as fft
    >>> with fft.set_backend('scipy', only=True):
    ...     fft.fft([1])  # Always calls the scipy implementation