Module « sqlalchemy »
Classe « JSON »
Informations générales
class JSON(Indexable, TypeEngine):
Description [extrait de JSON.__doc__]
Represent a SQL JSON type.
.. note:: :class:`_types.JSON`
is provided as a facade for vendor-specific
JSON types. Since it supports JSON SQL operations, it only
works on backends that have an actual JSON type, currently:
* PostgreSQL - see :class:`sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.JSON` and
:class:`sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.JSONB` for backend-specific
* MySQL - see
:class:`sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.JSON` for backend-specific notes
* SQLite as of version 3.9 - see
:class:`sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite.JSON` for backend-specific notes
* Microsoft SQL Server 2016 and later - see
:class:`sqlalchemy.dialects.mssql.JSON` for backend-specific notes
:class:`_types.JSON` is part of the Core in support of the growing
popularity of native JSON datatypes.
The :class:`_types.JSON` type stores arbitrary JSON format data, e.g.::
data_table = Table('data_table', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('data', JSON)
with engine.connect() as conn:
data = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
**JSON-Specific Expression Operators**
The :class:`_types.JSON`
datatype provides these additional SQL operations:
* Keyed index operations::['some key']
* Integer index operations::[3]
* Path index operations::[('key_1', 'key_2', 5, ..., 'key_n')]
* Data casters for specific JSON element types, subsequent to an index
or path operation being invoked::["some key"].as_integer()
.. versionadded:: 1.3.11
Additional operations may be available from the dialect-specific versions
of :class:`_types.JSON`, such as
:class:`sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.JSON` and
:class:`sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.JSONB` which both offer additional
PostgreSQL-specific operations.
**Casting JSON Elements to Other Types**
Index operations, i.e. those invoked by calling upon the expression using
the Python bracket operator as in ``some_column['some key']``, return an
expression object whose type defaults to :class:`_types.JSON` by default,
so that
further JSON-oriented instructions may be called upon the result type.
However, it is likely more common that an index operation is expected
to return a specific scalar element, such as a string or integer. In
order to provide access to these elements in a backend-agnostic way,
a series of data casters are provided:
* :meth:`.JSON.Comparator.as_string` - return the element as a string
* :meth:`.JSON.Comparator.as_boolean` - return the element as a boolean
* :meth:`.JSON.Comparator.as_float` - return the element as a float
* :meth:`.JSON.Comparator.as_integer` - return the element as an integer
These data casters are implemented by supporting dialects in order to
assure that comparisons to the above types will work as expected, such as::
# integer comparison["some_integer_key"].as_integer() == 5
# boolean comparison["some_boolean"].as_boolean() == True
.. versionadded:: 1.3.11 Added type-specific casters for the basic JSON
data element types.
.. note::
The data caster functions are new in version 1.3.11, and supersede
the previous documented approaches of using CAST; for reference,
this looked like::
from sqlalchemy import cast, type_coerce
from sqlalchemy import String, JSON
cast(['some_key'], String
) == type_coerce(55, JSON)
The above case now works directly as::['some_key'].as_integer() == 5
For details on the previous comparison approach within the 1.3.x
series, see the documentation for SQLAlchemy 1.2 or the included HTML
files in the doc/ directory of the version's distribution.
**Detecting Changes in JSON columns when using the ORM**
The :class:`_types.JSON` type, when used with the SQLAlchemy ORM, does not
detect in-place mutations to the structure. In order to detect these, the
:mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` extension must be used. This extension will
allow "in-place" changes to the datastructure to produce events which
will be detected by the unit of work. See the example at :class:`.HSTORE`
for a simple example involving a dictionary.
**Support for JSON null vs. SQL NULL**
When working with NULL values, the :class:`_types.JSON`
type recommends the
use of two specific constants in order to differentiate between a column
that evaluates to SQL NULL, e.g. no value, vs. the JSON-encoded string
of ``"null"``. To insert or select against a value that is SQL NULL,
use the constant :func:`.null`::
from sqlalchemy import null
conn.execute(table.insert(), json_value=null())
To insert or select against a value that is JSON ``"null"``, use the
constant :attr:`_types.JSON.NULL`::
conn.execute(table.insert(), json_value=JSON.NULL)
The :class:`_types.JSON` type supports a flag
:paramref:`_types.JSON.none_as_null` which when set to True will result
in the Python constant ``None`` evaluating to the value of SQL
NULL, and when set to False results in the Python constant
``None`` evaluating to the value of JSON ``"null"``. The Python
value ``None`` may be used in conjunction with either
:attr:`_types.JSON.NULL` and :func:`.null` in order to indicate NULL
values, but care must be taken as to the value of the
:paramref:`_types.JSON.none_as_null` in these cases.
**Customizing the JSON Serializer**
The JSON serializer and deserializer used by :class:`_types.JSON`
defaults to
Python's ``json.dumps`` and ``json.loads`` functions; in the case of the
psycopg2 dialect, psycopg2 may be using its own custom loader function.
In order to affect the serializer / deserializer, they are currently
configurable at the :func:`_sa.create_engine` level via the
:paramref:`_sa.create_engine.json_serializer` and
:paramref:`_sa.create_engine.json_deserializer` parameters. For example,
to turn off ``ensure_ascii``::
engine = create_engine(
json_serializer=lambda obj: json.dumps(obj, ensure_ascii=False))
.. versionchanged:: 1.3.7
SQLite dialect's ``json_serializer`` and ``json_deserializer``
parameters renamed from ``_json_serializer`` and
.. seealso::
.. versionadded:: 1.1
Liste des attributs statiques
hashable | False |
NULL | symbol('JSON_NULL') |
sort_key_function | None |
Attributs statiques hérités de la classe TypeEngine
Liste des propriétés
python_type | |
should_evaluate_none | Alias of :attr:`_types.JSON.none_as_null` [extrait de __doc__] |
Liste des opérateurs
Opérateurs hérités de la classe object
Liste des méthodes
Toutes les méthodes
Méthodes d'instance
Méthodes statiques
Méthodes dépréciées
Méthodes héritées de la classe TypeEngine
__init_subclass__, __repr__, __str__, __subclasshook__, adapt, as_generic, bind_expression, coerce_compared_value, column_expression, compare_against_backend, compare_values, compile, copy, copy_value, dialect_impl, evaluates_none, get_dbapi_type, literal_processor, with_variant
Méthodes héritées de la classe Traversible
__class_getitem__, get_children
Méthodes héritées de la classe object
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