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Generate SQL function expressions.
:data:`.func` is a special object instance which generates SQL
functions based on name-based attributes, e.g.::
>>> print(func.count(1))
The returned object is an instance of :class:`.Function`, and is a
column-oriented SQL element like any other, and is used in that way::
>>> print(select(func.count(table.c.id)))
SELECT count(sometable.id) FROM sometable
Any name can be given to :data:`.func`. If the function name is unknown to
SQLAlchemy, it will be rendered exactly as is. For common SQL functions
which SQLAlchemy is aware of, the name may be interpreted as a *generic
function* which will be compiled appropriately to the target database::
>>> print(func.current_timestamp())
To call functions which are present in dot-separated packages,
specify them in the same manner::
>>> print(func.stats.yield_curve(5, 10))
stats.yield_curve(:yield_curve_1, :yield_curve_2)
SQLAlchemy can be made aware of the return type of functions to enable
type-specific lexical and result-based behavior. For example, to ensure
that a string-based function returns a Unicode value and is similarly
treated as a string in expressions, specify
:class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Unicode` as the type:
>>> print(func.my_string(u'hi', type_=Unicode) + ' ' +
... func.my_string(u'there', type_=Unicode))
my_string(:my_string_1) || :my_string_2 || my_string(:my_string_3)
The object returned by a :data:`.func` call is usually an instance of
This object meets the "column" interface, including comparison and labeling
functions. The object can also be passed the :meth:`~.Connectable.execute`
method of a :class:`_engine.Connection` or :class:`_engine.Engine`,
where it will be
wrapped inside of a SELECT statement first::
In a few exception cases, the :data:`.func` accessor
will redirect a name to a built-in expression such as :func:`.cast`
or :func:`.extract`, as these names have well-known meaning
but are not exactly the same as "functions" from a SQLAlchemy
Functions which are interpreted as "generic" functions know how to
calculate their return type automatically. For a listing of known generic
functions, see :ref:`generic_functions`.
.. note::
The :data:`.func` construct has only limited support for calling
standalone "stored procedures", especially those with special
parameterization concerns.
See the section :ref:`stored_procedures` for details on how to use
the DBAPI-level ``callproc()`` method for fully traditional stored
.. seealso::
:ref:`coretutorial_functions` - in the Core Tutorial
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