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Module « sqlalchemy »

Fonction cast - module sqlalchemy

Signature de la fonction cast

def cast(expression, type_) 



Produce a ``CAST`` expression.

        :func:`.cast` returns an instance of :class:`.Cast`.


            from sqlalchemy import cast, Numeric

            stmt = select(cast(product_table.c.unit_price, Numeric(10, 4)))

        The above statement will produce SQL resembling::

            SELECT CAST(unit_price AS NUMERIC(10, 4)) FROM product

        The :func:`.cast` function performs two distinct functions when
        used.  The first is that it renders the ``CAST`` expression within
        the resulting SQL string.  The second is that it associates the given
        type (e.g. :class:`.TypeEngine` class or instance) with the column
        expression on the Python side, which means the expression will take
        on the expression operator behavior associated with that type,
        as well as the bound-value handling and result-row-handling behavior
        of the type.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 :func:`.cast` now applies the given type
           to the expression such that it takes effect on the bound-value,
           e.g. the Python-to-database direction, in addition to the
           result handling, e.g. database-to-Python, direction.

        An alternative to :func:`.cast` is the :func:`.type_coerce` function.
        This function performs the second task of associating an expression
        with a specific type, but does not render the ``CAST`` expression
        in SQL.

        :param expression: A SQL expression, such as a
         expression or a Python string which will be coerced into a bound
         literal value.

        :param type\_: A :class:`.TypeEngine` class or instance indicating
         the type to which the ``CAST`` should apply.

        .. seealso::


            :func:`.type_coerce` - an alternative to CAST that coerces the type
            on the Python side only, which is often sufficient to generate the
            correct SQL and data coercion.