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Module « sqlalchemy »

Fonction any_ - module sqlalchemy

Signature de la fonction any_

def any_(expr) 



Produce an ANY expression.

        This may apply to an array type for some dialects (e.g. postgresql),
        or to a subquery for others (e.g. mysql).  e.g.::

            # postgresql '5 = ANY (somearray)'
            expr = 5 == any_(mytable.c.somearray)

            # mysql '5 = ANY (SELECT value FROM table)'
            expr = 5 == any_(select(table.c.value))

        The operator is more conveniently available from any
        :class:`_sql.ColumnElement` object that makes use of the
        :class:`_types.ARRAY` datatype::

            expr = mytable.c.somearray.any(5)

        .. seealso::

