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Module « sqlalchemy »

Fonction insert - module sqlalchemy

Signature de la fonction insert

def insert(table, values=None, inline=False, bind=None, prefixes=None, returning=None, return_defaults=False, **dialect_kw) 



Construct an :class:`_expression.Insert` object.


            from sqlalchemy import insert

            stmt = (
                values(name='username', fullname='Full Username')

        Similar functionality is available via the
        :meth:`_expression.TableClause.insert` method on

        .. seealso::

            :ref:`coretutorial_insert_expressions` - in the
            :ref:`1.x tutorial <sqlexpression_toplevel>`

            :ref:`tutorial_core_insert` - in the :ref:`unified_tutorial`

        :param table: :class:`_expression.TableClause`
         which is the subject of the

        :param values: collection of values to be inserted; see
         for a description of allowed formats here.
         Can be omitted entirely; a :class:`_expression.Insert` construct
         will also dynamically render the VALUES clause at execution time
         based on the parameters passed to :meth:`_engine.Connection.execute`.

         .. deprecated:: 1.4 The :paramref:`_expression.insert.values` parameter will be removed in SQLAlchemy 2.0.  Please refer to the :meth:`_expression.Insert.values` method.

        :param inline: if True, no attempt will be made to retrieve the
         SQL-generated default values to be provided within the statement;
         in particular,
         this allows SQL expressions to be rendered 'inline' within the
         statement without the need to pre-execute them beforehand; for
         backends that support "returning", this turns off the "implicit
         returning" feature for the statement.

         .. deprecated:: 1.4 The :paramref:`_expression.insert.inline` parameter will be removed in SQLAlchemy 2.0.  Please use the :meth:`_expression.Insert.inline` method.

        If both :paramref:`_expression.Insert.values` and compile-time bind
        parameters are present, the compile-time bind parameters override the
        information specified within :paramref:`_expression.Insert.values` on a
        per-key basis.

        The keys within :paramref:`_expression.Insert.values` can be either
        :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` objects or their string
        identifiers. Each key may reference one of:

        * a literal data value (i.e. string, number, etc.);
        * a Column object;
        * a SELECT statement.

        If a ``SELECT`` statement is specified which references this
        ``INSERT`` statement's table, the statement will be correlated
        against the ``INSERT`` statement.

        .. seealso::

            :ref:`coretutorial_insert_expressions` - SQL Expression Tutorial

            :ref:`inserts_and_updates` - SQL Expression Tutorial