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Module « numpy.linalg »

Fonction tensorsolve - module numpy.linalg

Signature de la fonction tensorsolve

def tensorsolve(a, b, axes=None) 



    Solve the tensor equation ``a x = b`` for x.

    It is assumed that all indices of `x` are summed over in the product,
    together with the rightmost indices of `a`, as is done in, for example,
    ``tensordot(a, x, axes=b.ndim)``.

    a : array_like
        Coefficient tensor, of shape ``b.shape + Q``. `Q`, a tuple, equals
        the shape of that sub-tensor of `a` consisting of the appropriate
        number of its rightmost indices, and must be such that
        ``prod(Q) == prod(b.shape)`` (in which sense `a` is said to be
    b : array_like
        Right-hand tensor, which can be of any shape.
    axes : tuple of ints, optional
        Axes in `a` to reorder to the right, before inversion.
        If None (default), no reordering is done.

    x : ndarray, shape Q

        If `a` is singular or not 'square' (in the above sense).

    See Also
    numpy.tensordot, tensorinv, numpy.einsum

    >>> a = np.eye(2*3*4)
    >>> a.shape = (2*3, 4, 2, 3, 4)
    >>> b = np.random.randn(2*3, 4)
    >>> x = np.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b)
    >>> x.shape
    (2, 3, 4)
    >>> np.allclose(np.tensordot(a, x, axes=3), b)