after_attach(self, session, instance) |
Execute after an instance is attached to a session. [extrait de after_attach.__doc__] |
after_begin(self, session, transaction, connection) |
Execute after a transaction is begun on a connection [extrait de after_begin.__doc__] |
after_bulk_delete(self, delete_context) |
Execute after ORM DELETE against a WHERE expression has been [extrait de after_bulk_delete.__doc__] |
after_bulk_update(self, update_context) |
Execute after an ORM UPDATE against a WHERE expression has been [extrait de after_bulk_update.__doc__] |
after_commit(self, session) |
Execute after a commit has occurred. [extrait de after_commit.__doc__] |
after_flush(self, session, flush_context) |
Execute after flush has completed, but before commit has been [extrait de after_flush.__doc__] |
after_flush_postexec(self, session, flush_context) |
Execute after flush has completed, and after the post-exec [extrait de after_flush_postexec.__doc__] |
after_rollback(self, session) |
Execute after a real DBAPI rollback has occurred. [extrait de after_rollback.__doc__] |
after_soft_rollback(self, session, previous_transaction) |
Execute after any rollback has occurred, including "soft" [extrait de after_soft_rollback.__doc__] |
after_transaction_create(self, session, transaction) |
Execute when a new :class:`.SessionTransaction` is created. [extrait de after_transaction_create.__doc__] |
after_transaction_end(self, session, transaction) |
Execute when the span of a :class:`.SessionTransaction` ends. [extrait de after_transaction_end.__doc__] |
before_attach(self, session, instance) |
Execute before an instance is attached to a session. [extrait de before_attach.__doc__] |
before_commit(self, session) |
Execute before commit is called. [extrait de before_commit.__doc__] |
before_flush(self, session, flush_context, instances) |
Execute before flush process has started. [extrait de before_flush.__doc__] |
deleted_to_detached(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "deleted to detached" transition for a specific object. [extrait de deleted_to_detached.__doc__] |
deleted_to_persistent(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "deleted to persistent" transition for a specific object. [extrait de deleted_to_persistent.__doc__] |
detached_to_persistent(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "detached to persistent" transition for a specific object. [extrait de detached_to_persistent.__doc__] |
do_orm_execute(self, orm_execute_state) |
Intercept statement executions that occur in terms of a :class:`.Session`. [extrait de do_orm_execute.__doc__] |
loaded_as_persistent(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "loaded as persistent" transition for a specific object. [extrait de loaded_as_persistent.__doc__] |
pending_to_persistent(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "pending to persistent"" transition for a specific object. [extrait de pending_to_persistent.__doc__] |
pending_to_transient(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "pending to transient" transition for a specific object. [extrait de pending_to_transient.__doc__] |
persistent_to_deleted(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "persistent to deleted" transition for a specific object. [extrait de persistent_to_deleted.__doc__] |
persistent_to_detached(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "persistent to detached" transition for a specific object. [extrait de persistent_to_detached.__doc__] |
persistent_to_transient(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "persistent to transient" transition for a specific object. [extrait de persistent_to_transient.__doc__] |
transient_to_pending(self, session, instance) |
Intercept the "transient to pending" transition for a specific object. [extrait de transient_to_pending.__doc__] |
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