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Module « sqlalchemy.orm »

Fonction create_session - module sqlalchemy.orm

Signature de la fonction create_session

def create_session(bind=None, **kwargs) 



Create a new :class:`.Session`
    with no automation enabled by default.

    This function is used primarily for testing.   The usual
    route to :class:`.Session` creation is via its constructor
    or the :func:`.sessionmaker` function.

    :param bind: optional, a single Connectable to use for all
      database access in the created

    :param \*\*kwargs: optional, passed through to the
      :class:`.Session` constructor.

    :returns: an :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` instance

    The defaults of create_session() are the opposite of that of
    :func:`sessionmaker`; ``autoflush`` and ``expire_on_commit`` are
    False, ``autocommit`` is True.  In this sense the session acts
    more like the "classic" SQLAlchemy 0.3 session with these.


      >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import create_session
      >>> session = create_session()

    It is recommended to use :func:`sessionmaker` instead of